Viz Mosart Administrator Guide
Version 5.0 | Published November 09, 2022 ©
Manus Administrator Commands
These console commands are only intended for advanced users, and principally for troubleshooting. They shall never be used on a live system.
Warning: Use of these commands may adversely affect system performance. Unauthorized use of these commands may invalidate a contracted Vizrt Support agreement.
tmpPrint: Print the manus
pcol: Print col1
setrundown, SR, CD [name]: Set a new rundown
TESTUPDATE: Start test timer
PRINTRUNDOWNS: Print newsroom rundowns
setManusDirectory: Set the directory in which manus are stored
VERSION Prints the current version
START: Start or stop the timeline
-FILEWATCHER -FW Starts the application in file watcher Modus
R: Release background
INIFILEPATH: Set ini file
INEWSFTPSERVER [servername] [username] [pathword]: Set the ftp connection to iNEWS FTP server, you must restart
GTS, G: Go to next story
NONEAUTOS: List none auto lower thirds
S: Skip next story
WQ: Write queue list
INEWSWORKINGDIRECTORY: Set the working directory
INEWSDEFAULTRUNDOWN: Set the default Showpath
LOG: Collect logs for all connections
SETTINGS: Show the Settings dialog
NEWSROOMSETTINGS, NS: Show Settings dialog for newsroomsettings
LOG: Write current log to file
SHOWLOG: Show logging elements
HIDELOG: Hide logging elements
PARSENATIVESTORY, PNS - Parse a native NRCS file to Mosart XML
PS [0] [0]: Print story or story item
PST: Print states
READSPEED [0]: Set read speed in words per minute
RELOADMANUS, RL, RELOAD: Reload current manus
RELOADTEMPLATES, RT: Reload channeltemplates
RESYNC: Resync rundown with NRCS
LM, LOADMANUS [filename]: Load manus from file
LISTCLIPS: List all items in media cache
TRACE: Activate/deactivate the Trace listener
SAVE [path]: Save the rundown as a file.
STEST Y or N millisec
SS, STUDIOSETUP: Set the current studio setup
SAVEASSEQUENCE [sequencename as string]: Save the rundown as a sequence
DUMPNCSSTORY, DNS [storyname] /p[destination filepath]: Dump a story in native NSML Format
DUMPNCSRUNDOWN DNR /p[destination filepath]: Dump the current rundown in the native NSML Format