Viz Social Deployment Guide
Version 1.0 | Published June 22, 2021 ©
Local DCS server
Desktop with at least a third generation Intel Core i5 Processor.
Minimum 8GB RAM recommended.
Windows 2012 Server or newer.
.NET 4.7.
A public static IP address for the DCS server.
Firewall opened for incoming TCP requests on port 8099 and 10000 from the Viz Social server (IP to open for will be given).
Viz Social
The following information must be provided by the client/Vizrt:
Client name. Convention for server name is vizsocial-<UNIQUECLIENTNAME>.never.no (for example, vizsocial-nrk1.never.no).
Location (used to decide which AWS datacenter to install in).
Fixed public IP addresses the Viz Social interface should be open for.
The fixed public IP address of the DCS server it will be talking to.
For Pilot Edge: If ATOM feeds reside in the cloud, the IP address of the Pilot Edge server.