Viz Social Deployment Guide
Version 1.0 | Published June 22, 2021 ©
Incoming Interface Description
Viz Social is a collaboration between Vizrt and Never.no for building and producing Social TV formats and Social Advertisements. It is built with the know-how and technology that Never.no has collected by producing online, broadcast and advertising formats for over 15 years. Viz Social offers a standardized framework with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for all daily operations.
The mission of Viz Social is to make it possible and easy for anyone to produce Social TV and Social Advertisements.
To differentiate between well-defined concepts used in the Viz Social UI and similar, but not necessarily identical, concepts used in everyday life, the former ones are capitalized in the Viz Social documentation. Examples of these concepts and their spelling are: Carousel, Competition, Filter, Format, Poll, Post, Search, Story, View.
Viz Social offers external applications the possibility to share their own data with Viz Social where it can be used for further processing, aggregation, moderation, filtering, scheduling and publishing. Viz Social supports two categories of shared data:
A series of individual Posts, that is typically inserted and further processed in a Carousel, optionally merged with Posts originating from other sources. These Posts have an originator, a message, a timestamp and can optionally have attachments, an avatar and other attributes.
A series of snapshots of pre-aggregated data, that are typically processed as the standings of a remotely managed Poll.
Each category is described in a separate section.
In this document, the natively accepted data structures of Viz Social are described. If necessary, Never.no can deploy customizable integration tools for reading feeds of different syntax. Customization options should be discussed with Never.no.
Backwards Compatibility
Going forward, Never.no plans that future versions of the interface remain backwards compliant with the current one, assuming.
In parsing data from external sources, the following logic holds:
No assumption is made about the order of data elements.
No assumption is made about the presence of optional data elements.
Missing mandatory data elements are interpreted as errors.
Unrecognized data elements are ignored.