Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.6 | Published October 23, 2020 ©
Working Without a Database Connection
Certain features of the Viz Pilot system can be used without a database connection.
Viz Pilot News
To run Viz Pilot News without a database connection (NODB mode), set the following registry setting with type DWORD (32-bit) Value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\[vizrt]\ActiveX x.y\TemplateFiller\NODB =
Only the Media tab will be enabled and media files will appear for all the asset search providers.
When running Director in NODB mode, you can work with the following functionalities:
The Media tab is available, however media objects cannot be searched.
Playlists can be opened and run.
Template Wizard can be opened, and templates can be created and saved.
Object Store can be opened and you can perform image or person searches. A person created with an image can be saved. A person without an image can also be saved, but will not appear in a person search in Director.
The following tabs are not available: Templates, Data, Viz, Files.
To set Director in NODB mode, add a -nodb flag at the end of the target path in the shortcut properties (see Command Line Startup Options).
Windows 64-bit: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\vizrt\Viz Pilot x.y\VizContentPilot.exe" -nodb
Windows 32-bit: "%ProgramFiles%\vizrt\Viz Pilot x.y\VizContentPilot.exe" -nodb
Template Wizard
Use Template Wizard without a database connection. This can be useful when creating file-based templates, for example, for on-the-road template work, and template user interface design for Viz Ticker and Viz Trio
To set Template Wizard in NODB mode, set the following fields in the [TEMPLATE_WIZARD] section of ContentPilot.ini: