Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.6 | Published October 23, 2020 ©
The basic workflow from graphics design to a working template:
Scenes are made in Viz Artist. Multiple scenes can make up one template, categorized under different Variants.
Objects in the scene that the graphics designer wants to make editable in the finished template are given the appropriate control plugins.
Templates are made in Template Wizard, after importing the scenes over.
Exposed objects from the scene are used to automatically create a basic template.
The template designer creates additional logic using graphical components, and two types of script logic:
The Script Editor makes it possible to add scripts inside the template to aid users in filling out or using the template in a best-practice way.
The Update Script Editor allows the designer to add scripts that will be executed by Update Services on the server side, and not on the client side through Director.
The template is tested and saved, preferably to a descriptive concept, and assigned to a category using the Template Manager tool. (Concepts group templates that are used together in a show or broadcast).
Templates are made available to the newsroom and control room systems.
Using Viz Pilot News, a journalist or editor fills the graphics template with any information required to make up a complete graphic. This can include: text, numbers, images, person information, videos (from the Viz One system) and maps (from the Viz World system). The template is saved into the Viz Pilot system creating a data element that is added to the newsroom story.
The Viz Pilot operator monitors the newsroom playlist (rundown) and plays the graphics on-air at the correct time in the broadcast. This can be achieved by external GPI commands, keyboard shortcuts, button boxes, cursor clicks and so on.