Viz Mosart User Guide

Version 4.1 | Published July 09, 2021 ©

Looping Part of the Rundown

You can loop a part of the rundown, by setting a loop start and a loop end point in the rundown. The loop start and end are marked with 2 vertical white dots (see image below).


  • To set a loop start you can either:

    1. Set the loop in by right-clicking on the item you want to start loop and selecting Loop > Start.

    2. Use a STORY_ACTION LOOP_START control command to set the Loop Start item as the first item in the selected story.

  • To set the loop end point you can either

    1. Set the loop out by right-clicking on the item you want to start loop and selecting Loop > End.

    2. Use a STORY_ACTION LOOP_END control command to set the Loop End item as the last item in the selected story.



When entering the first item in a loop, Viz Mosart goes into auto-take next mode.

  • To exit auto-take mode use the control command AUTOTAKE.
    If the loop is cleared using the loop clear command the autotake will also end.


Moving a Loop

  • To remove a end loop point, left click the loop point and select Loop > End to remove it.
    Autotake continues while you are moving the point.

  • Left-click the new position and choose Loop > End (or use a shortcut as described above).
    The same procedure can be done for Loop > Start.
    If the Loop > End point has been reached without a valid Loop Start point above it in the rundown, the next item is set to the first story in the rundown.

Stopping the Loop

  • To clear the loop, left-click and select Loop > Clear.
    This stops the auto-take. Removing both Loop Start and Loop End continues the auto-take.