Service Host Administrator Guide

Version 2.2 | Published May 02, 2024 ©

Persistence Configuration

It is possible to have the configuration and recordings persist through service restart or crash. This feature is controlled by the following configuration:


With persistence configuration enabled:

  • During startup, if a backup file does not already exist, one is created containing the parameters of the current configuration.

  • A new back up file is created every time there is a change in the runtime configuration.

  • The changes in the runtime configuration can come from commands or NMOS requests.

  • If there is a crash or the service is stopped, next time the service is started, the back up file is used instead of the usual configuration file.

  • The back up file is located in %ProgramData%\vizrt\ServiceHost\.

  • The back up file name contains a timestamp which indicates when it was created (e.g. VizrtCRTest_20200909152851194.xml).

  • Since the back up file is used as configuration it is not possible to change some of the configuration via GUI anymore.

  • To disable persistence you can still use the GUI. The GUI can still be used to configure the connector and output.

Note: For IP workflow this feature can replace the auto-recovery option found in Viz Engine.