Graphic Hub Administrator Guide

Version 3.1 | Published July 11, 2018 ©

Log and Report

  • A general GH ImEx Agent related log can be viewed under Report > Logs.

  • You configure the log level under Options > Configuration.

  • Furthermore, you can download an archive of all log and configuration files from Report > Export.
    This is particularly useful when troubleshooting and for support requests.

View ImEx Agent logs

  1. Navigate to Report > Logs to display the logs section.

  2. Search with custom text using th e text field in the top r ight han d corner.


Manage Reports

  1. Navigate to Report > Export.

  2. The Export section displays all previously created report exports.

  3. Select one or multiple exports

  4. Click Download to download a .zip file containing information about ImEx Agent settings and current configuration.


Note: The report archives are stored in a temporary directory of the operating system, not persistent, and are lost when you stop or restart the ImEx Agent service.

Create Report

  • Click Create (1) to immediately generate an report export. The newly generated report is added to the list (2).
