Graphics Plugin Administrator Guide
Version 2.1 | Published October 06, 2017 ©
Stretching Stop Points
The stop points in a scene will automatically be stretched, in order for the animation to match the length of the graphics element in the NLE timeline.
As an example, imagine having an in-animation of 3 seconds and an out-animation of 4 seconds. If the animation is stretched to 10 seconds in the NLE timeline, the in-animation will be shown for 3 seconds, followed by the stop point between the in- and out-animation that will be stretched to 3 seconds, and then the out-animation will be shown for 4 seconds, totaling to 10 seconds.
In another example, if the animation above is shortened to 5 seconds, it will show the in-animation for 3 seconds, skip the pause point, and then cut the out-animation down to 2 seconds.
When using multiple stop points, the length of the stretching will be divided evenly across the stop points. Note that in the NLE workflow, it is not possible to adjust the length of the various stop points. Again an example, so if the animation contains two stop points and is stretched to 17 seconds, then the in-animation will be shown for 3 seconds, the first stop point for 5 seconds, the second for another 5 seconds, and then finally the out-animation for 4 seconds.