Graphics Plugin Administrator Guide
Version 2.1 | Published October 06, 2017 ©
About the Document
This manual covers the information needed in order to install and configure the Graphics Plugin.
The purpose of this document is to help new Graphics Plugin administrators become familiar with the system; to illustrate the installation process, and show the available configuration options.
This section contains information on the following topics:
Document Structure
Section 1 introduces the Graphics Plugin and this document.
Section 2 gives an overview of the supported operating systems, new features, software limitations, and basic workflows.
Section 3 describes various software, hardware, and network requirements and recommendations noteworthy before installing the Graphics Plugin.
Section 4 gives a guide on how to setup the Viz Engine for graphics rendering with the Graphics Plugin. It also gives a quick overview of the Connection Broker installation and use, and also a more in-depth step-by-step description of how to install, configure, test, and remove the Graphics Plugin for both Apple- and Windows-based systems.
Section 5 explains the user interface; general and advanced configuration, and performance testing. In most cases these settings are not needed by the average user; however, specific situations may raise the need to tune the system. For more information, please contact your local Vizrt representative.
Section 6 gives an in-depth explanation on how to tune the Graphics Plugin.
Section 7 provides an overview of issues that must be considered when designing scenes for the NLE workflow. Notes about key, stop points, stretching, embedded video, Transition Logic, and so on are included.
Section 8 is a summary of frequently asked questions. This section also covers information on logging and how to report technical issues back to Vizrt.
Related Documents
For complementary information, see the following documents:
Easycut Manual: How to install and use the Easycut tailored version of the Graphics Plugin.
Viz Artist User’s Guide: How to create scenes and work with Transition Logic.
Viz Pilot User’s Guide: How to install and use Viz Pilot, and how to create combination templates.
Viz Engine Administrator’s Guide: Contains lists of supported graphics cards.
Template Wizard User’s Guide: How to create and organize templates to be used by Viz Pilot.
Viz Trio User’s Guide: How to install and use the Viz Trio client.
The following typographic conventions are used in this document:
Italic is used for non-hyperlink external references, such as related documents, books, or Internet pages. Italic is also used to emphasize words.
The color blue is used for references to sections within this document.
Bold refers to GUI components.
Numbered paragraphs are used to indicate tasks that must be carried out.