Viz Trio User Guide

Version 4.0 | Published September 25, 2023 ©

Main Menu

The main menu at the top of the main window provides easy access to functions and workflows:


A brief description of the main menu sections is listed below. For certain menu items, a more detailed explanation can be found later in this chapter.




Open Show...

Show a directory panel to open a TrioShow.

Open External Playlist...

Show a directory panel to open an external playlist.

New Page View...

Add a new pageview.

New Show Playlist...

Add a new playlist.


Show the Configuration window where you configure Trio.

Show Properties

View and configure properties for a TrioShow.

Import Viz Engine Archive...

Import Viz Engine Archive (.via) files from disk and re-import any affected templates in the current show.

Import Show Archive...

Import a TrioShow(.trioshow file) from disk.

Export Show Archive...

Export Show to disk as .trioshow file.

Export Selected Pages Archive...

Export Show with only selected pages including associated items, see Export Selected Pages Archive.

Slave Mode

Set Trio in Slave Mode, see Slave Mode.


Quit Trio.





Save the current page you're working on.

Save As...

Save the current page you're working on with a new name.


Rename the current page you're working on.

Change Template...

Change the template for a page.

Refresh Linked Data

Asynchronously refresh the data for a page linked to a feed.


Reimport the template design for a page.


Delete the currently selected page. You will be asked for confirmation.

Delete All

Delete all pages. You'll be asked to confirm.

Save to XML...

Save page to an XML-file on disk.

Load from XML...

Load page from an XML-file on disk.

Print/Save Snapshot...

Take a Snapshot, which can be printed or saved to disk.

Move to Number...

Move page to a specific number.

Move with Offset...

Move page with offset.

Copy to Number...

Copy page to a specific number.

Copy with Offset...

Copy page with offset.





Performs a direct take on the selected page.


Pauses the current element.


Continues the animation on the selected page, or any page that is loaded in the same transition logic layer as the selected page.


Takes out the selected page, or any page that is loaded in the same transition logic layer as the selected page. Hard cut.


Prepares the clip for playout so the first frame is ready in the player.

Cue Append

Prepares the clip for playout. The clip will start automatically when the current clip ends.

Take and Read Next

Takes the current element and reads the next one.

Cleanup Channels

Cleans up the renderers (Viz Engines) currently in use by the open show. Asks for confirmation. This frees up renderer memory and realtime capacity. See Cleanup Channels.

Initialize Show on Channels

Loads the selected show on the program and preview renderers. See Initialize Channels.

Initialize Show on Local Preview

Loads the selected show on the Preview renderers. See Initialize Channels.

Update on Program

Updates on Program renderer without reloading or rerunning animations. Only for Transition Logic scenes.

Update on External Preview

Updates on External Preview renderer without reloading or rerunning animations. Only for Transition Logic scenes.

Clear Program

Takes out the scene on Program renderer, but does not clean up the renderer (scenes will remain in memory).

Clear external Preview

Takes out the scene on Preview renderer, but does not clean up the renderer (scenes will remain in memory).

Start Scroll

See Scroll Control.

Stop Scroll

See Scroll Control.

Continue Scroll

See Scroll Control.

Arm Current

See Arm and Fire.

Arm Selected

See Arm and Fire.

Unarm Current

See Arm and Fire.

Unarm All

See Arm and Fire.

Fire All

See Arm and Fire.




Export Mode

Toggle. Enable Trio to operate in export mode.


Toggle. Enable tabfields.


Show the command window. In this window you can execute Viz Trio macros and commands using a command-line (cli) interface.


Show the error message window.

Running Carousels

Show the task window where all running tasks in the active profile will be displayed.

Refresh Thumbnails

Force refresh of all thumbnails.

Restore Default Layout

Stacks and docks the main windows (Templates, Page List and Tab Fields) and cascades all other window in undocked mode.




Viz Artist

Switch to Viz Artist. Trio will keep running. While in Artist, click the Trio button to return to Trio again. See Viz Artist Mode.

TimeCode Monitor

Start the TimeCode Monitor. See TimeCode Monitor.


Start the Datacenter application. See Datacenter in Viz Trio.




View Help

Show help and documentation.

Legal Notices

Information about third-party code libraries.

Trio Licensing

Opens the Trio license dialog box.


Displays which Viz Trio version and build that has been installed on your machine (essential information to attach when reporting issues to Vizrt), Credits and Legal Notices.