This is a pre-release of Showmaker.
Showmaker can run standalone, as a rundown (running order) creation tool.
If you wish to use Showmaker with Viz Mosart, follow the instructions in section App Configuration.
Note: Whilst setup is relatively simple, the precise configuration depends on whether Showmaker is installed on the same server as Viz Mosart or a networked machine.
Operational Examples
This pre-release version of Showmaker is evolving rapidly. Already many tasks and workflows are fully functional.
Below is a starting point for finding some useful descriptions online:
Making your Rundown
This short introductory video takes you through the basics, so you can get started.
Newsroom Tags for Pre-production Accuracy
This 3-minute clip uses Showmaker to link smart Viz Mosart operations to the show’s rundown.
Documentation Updates
As development evolves, the documentation is updated. Between software updates, it will be made available at the Vizrt Documentation Center.