This is a pre-release of Showmaker.

Note: As documentation is updated, it will become available at the Vizrt Documentation Center.

Setting up Showmaker


  • Viz Mosart 5.1.0 or later

Installation and Configuration

You can create a standalone, pre-production rundown in Showmaker with no additional configuration.

However, to work with Viz Mosart templates or to test the rundown, you must perform these one-off configuration steps:

To manage Mosart templates

To work with Viz Mosart template sets in Showmaker, the bundled web application NRCS Plugin shall be correctly configured.

To connect to Viz Mosart

To verify your Showmaker rundown in Viz Mosart, you will need to configure your browser’s connection to the Mosart server.

  1. Ensure that your Viz Mosart system is operating under normal working conditions.
    As a minimum,

    1. Manus Administrator must be running.

    2. The Viz Mosart UI is running, displaying a rundown.

  2. From the Mosart Web Apps Configuration Tool, select App Configuration and complete the required setup.

  3. With these steps completed, Showmaker is ready to work with Viz Mosart.
    You may need to consider the scenarios presented in Optional Server Setups below.

Optional Server Setups

Support for Main/Backup Connection

  • If you have a backup server for redundancy, you will need define the environment in the menu section Server Configuration.

Support for HTTPS


Please refer to section Troubleshooting.