Viz Artist User Guide

Version 3.13 | Published March 28, 2019 ©

TriCaster NDI Support

The support for Newtek's TriCaster NDI comes in two flavors:

  • Stand alone video solution

  • In combination with a Matrox X.mio3 or Matrox DSX LE4, using the TriCaster NDI outputs as input channels for Viz Engine.

TriCaster Video Version

In this case, TriCaster is treated as the sole video hardware. Using the NDI protocol provided by Newtek, the TriCaster handles both inputs and outputs. The DirectShow Clip Player is used for playback of compatible files.

Matrox/TriCaster Combination

This configuration adds TriCaster NDI streaming inputs to a Viz Engine video version with Matrox hardware. The Matrox card is used for both input and output, and also handles clip playback.

Enabling the NewTek TriCaster Integration

The integration between Viz Engine and NewTek's TriCaster supports up to four inputs and outputs based on the NDI protocol. To enable the NewTek TriCaster integration, first set Check Video Card to User Defined in the Video Board section of Viz Configuration. Then select NewTek TriCaster as the Software I/O Mode.