Tracking Hub

Version 1.2 | Published December 12, 2018 ©

Use of Templates

You can use templates for an easy and fast configuration of several studios. There are several pre-made templates available in C:\ProgramData\vizrt\VizTH\. You can also create your own templates. However, you must copy them to the Tracking Hub directory on a new installation.

Using Existing Templates

  1. Go to Tools > Create System From a Template.


    This opens a new window where you can select a predefined template.

  2. After clicking Create, you get a complete system consisting of at least one Tracking System, one rig and one service. Depending on the template, it can include several Tracking Systems and rigs. images/download/attachments/44383492/image2017-12-11_13-20-9.png

  3. Configure the individual settings as applicable:

    • Interface of the tracking system.

    • Set the correct COM or UDP port.

    • Insert the correct IP address for the Viz Engine.

Creating New Templates

If you want to reuse a complete system, you can create your own template for it.

  1. Go to Tools > Make Template.
    This opens a new window where you can select the parts for your template:


    Do not select Parameter in the Services column!


  2. When you have selected you items, click Create Template and enter a name for the template. Then click Save As. This saves a new template in the C:\ProgramData\vizrt\VizTH\Templates directory, in a file called XML_TH_Temp_your_name.xml.