This section describes how to design a scene to be used with the object tracker. 

Live Video Input

The most important setting of a scene that can be used with the Object Tracker is the live input. The SHM Aux Mode must be set to Send. This allows the Object Tracker to read the input surface from the Engine. The Live Input asset needs to be present in the scene but does not necessarily need to be visible, so the result can be still composed on an external mixer. 

It is possible to use other texture source such as clip channels. You need to make sure that the SHM Aux Mode is set to Send and that the configured Input Key (see Configuration > Tracking in the Viz Arc User Guide) matches the SHMAuxKey configuration of the Object Tracker's Viz Engine (for example, viz_clip1_aux, viz_live1_aux, etc.).


Tracking Script

As the tracking data comes into Viz Engine through shared memory, these values need to be read and translated into screen coordinates. This can happen through the following script:

Dim trackerID = 0
Dim screenWidth as Double
Dim screenHeight as Double
Dim mpi = 3.14159265359
Dim degToRad = mpi / 180.0
Dim currentTrackingType as String
Structure tracked
x as Double
y as Double
width as Double
height as Double
valid as Integer
score as Double
End Structure
Structure trackedObjects
tc as Integer
tos as Array[tracked]
End Structure
Structure Point3D
x as Double
y as Double
z as Double
End Structure
Structure face
valid as Integer
Outline as Array[Point3D]
EyeLeft as Array[Point3D]
EyeRight as Array[Point3D]
Mouth as Array[Point3D]
BetweenEyes as Point3D
EyeCornerLeft as Point3D
EyeCornerRight as Point3D
PupilLeft as Point3D
PupilRight as Point3D
NoseTip as Point3D
CheekLeft as Point3D
CheekRight as Point3D
MouthCornerLeft as Point3D
MouthCornerRight as Point3D
Chin as Point3D
Roll as Double
Pitch as Double
Yaw as Double
End Structure
Structure faceObjects
tc as Integer
fs as Array[face]
End Structure
Structure pose
valid as Integer
skeleton as Array[Point3D]
End Structure
Structure poseObjects
tc as Integer
ps as Array[pose]
End Structure
Sub OnInit()
'do some trigonometry to get the screen width/height on the 0 plane.
'this calculation works in orto and perspectiv mode but the camera needs
'to look straight down the z axis (no rotation). Works well with the
'default camera settings
screenWidth = tan(scene.CurrentCamera.Fovx*0.5*degToRad)*scene.CurrentCamera.Position.z*2
screenHeight = tan(scene.CurrentCamera.Fovy*0.5*degToRad)*scene.CurrentCamera.Position.z*2"FaceObjects")"PoseObjects")"TrackedObjects")
End Sub
Dim somethingToShow as Boolean
Dim pos as Vertex
Dim rot as Vertex
Dim scale as Double
Dim bbHeight as Double
Dim bbWidth as Double
Dim quality as Double
Sub Move()
Dim bbTarget = GetParameterContainer("bbTarget")
Dim centerTarget = GetParameterContainer("centerTarget")
Dim gfxTarget = GetParameterContainer("gfxTarget")
centerTarget.position.x = pos.x
centerTarget.position.y = pos.y
centerTarget.Rotation.x = rot.x
centerTarget.Rotation.y = rot.y
centerTarget.Rotation.z = rot.z
centerTarget.Scaling.x = scale
centerTarget.Scaling.y = scale
centerTarget.Scaling.z = scale
bbTarget.position.x = pos.x
bbTarget.position.y = pos.y
bbTarget.Scaling.x = bbWidth / 100
bbTarget.Scaling.y = bbHeight / 100
if GetParameterBool("gfxFollowX") == true Then
if(GetParameterBool("gfxFollowBBX") == true) then
gfxTarget.position.X = pos.X + (bbWidth + GetParameterDouble("gfxDeltaX") * screenWidth) * 0.5
gfxTarget.position.X = pos.X + GetParameterDouble("gfxDeltaX") * 0.5 * screenWidth
end if
end If
if GetParameterBool("gfxFollowY") == true Then
If(GetParameterBool("gfxFollowBBY") == true) then
gfxTarget.position.Y = pos.Y + (bbHeight + GetParameterDouble("gfxDeltaY") * screenHeight) * 0.5
gfxTarget.position.Y = pos.Y + GetParameterDouble("gfxDeltaY") * 0.5 * screenHeight
End if
End If
if GetParameterBool("gfxDoScale") == true Then
Dim inMin as Double
Dim inMax as Double
Dim outMin as Double
Dim outMax as Double
Dim gfxScale = bbHeight
inMin = GetParameterDouble("gfxInMinScale")
inMax = GetParameterDouble("gfxInMaxScale")
outMin = GetParameterDouble("gfxOutMinScale")
outMax = GetParameterDouble("gfxOutMaxScale")
gfxScale = Max(inMin, gfxScale)
gfxScale = Min(inMax, gfxScale)
gfxScale = (gfxScale-inMin)/(inMax-inMin)
gfxScale = outMin + gfxScale*(outMax-outMin)
gfxTarget.scaling.x = gfxScale
gfxTarget.scaling.y = gfxScale
gfxTarget.scaling.z = gfxScale
End If
Dim tornadoActive as Boolean
tornadoActive = GetParameterBool("tornadoActive")
If tornadoActive Then
Dim tornadoTarget = GetParameterContainer("tornadoTarget")
Dim loc = tornadoTarget.WorldPosToLocalPos(pos)
tornadoTarget.GetGeometryPluginInstance().SetParameterDouble("x3", loc.x + GetParameterDouble("tornadoDeltaX") * bbWidth / gfxTarget.scaling.x)
tornadoTarget.GetGeometryPluginInstance().SetParameterDouble("y3", loc.y + GetParameterDouble("tornadoDeltaY") * bbHeight / gfxTarget.scaling.y)
End If
End Sub
Sub FaceTracking()
Dim fObjects as faceObjects
fObjects = (faceObjects)VizCommunication.Map["FaceObjects"]
If fObjects.fs.Size > trackerID Then
somethingToShow = True
somethingToShow = False
End If
If somethingToShow Then
somethingToShow = fObjects.fs[trackerID].valid == 1
End If
If somethingToShow Then
rot.x = -fObjects.fs[trackerID].Pitch / degToRad
rot.y = fObjects.fs[trackerID].Yaw / degToRad
rot.z = -fObjects.fs[trackerID].Roll / degToRad
pos.x = fObjects.fs[trackerID].NoseTip.x * screenWidth
pos.y = -fObjects.fs[trackerID].NoseTip.y * screenHeight
dim cheekLeft as Vertex
dim cheekRight as Vertex
cheekLeft.x = fObjects.fs[trackerID].CheekLeft.x * screenWidth
cheekLeft.y = fObjects.fs[trackerID].CheekLeft.y * screenHeight
cheekLeft.z = fObjects.fs[trackerID].CheekLeft.z * screenWidth
cheekRight.x = fObjects.fs[trackerID].CheekRight.x * screenWidth
cheekRight.y = fObjects.fs[trackerID].CheekRight.y * screenHeight
cheekRight.z = fObjects.fs[trackerID].CheekRight.z * screenWidth
dim cheek_distance as Double
cheek_distance = Distance(cheekLeft, cheekRight)
cheek_distance /= 100
scale = cheek_distance
End If
End Sub
Sub ObjectTracking()
Dim trObjects as trackedObjects
trObjects = (trackedObjects)VizCommunication.Map["TrackedObjects"]
somethingToShow = trObjects.tos.Size > trackerID
If (somethingToShow) Then
somethingToShow = trObjects.tos[trackerID].valid == 1
End If
If (somethingToShow) Then
pos.x = trObjects.tos[trackerID].x * screenWidth
pos.y = -trObjects.tos[trackerID].y * screenHeight
bbWidth = trObjects.tos[trackerID].width * screenWidth
bbHeight = trObjects.tos[trackerID].height * screenHeight
rot.x = 0.0
rot.y = 0.0
rot.z = 0.0
scale = 1.0
quality = trObjects.tos[trackerID].score
findSubContainer("quality").GetFunctionPluginInstance("ControlNum").SetParameterString("input", cStr(quality*100.0))
End If
End Sub
Sub PoseTracking()
Dim jointIdx = GetParameterInt("trackingJoint")
Dim pObjects as poseObjects
pObjects = (poseObjects)VizCommunication.Map["PoseObjects"]
somethingToShow = > trackerID
If (somethingToShow) Then
somethingToShow =[trackerID].valid == 1
End If
If (somethingToShow) Then
pos.x =[trackerID].Skeleton[jointIdx].x * screenWidth
pos.y =[trackerID].Skeleton[jointIdx].y * screenHeight
'pos.z =[trackerID].Skeleton[jointIdx].z
rot.x = 0.0
rot.y = 0.0
rot.z = 0.0
scale = 1.0
bbHeight = 0
bbWidth = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub OnExecPerField()
trackerID = GetParameterInt("trackingID") - 1
Dim trackingActive as Boolean
trackingActive = GetParameterBool("trackingActive")
If(trackingActive) Then
If( currentTrackingType == "FaceObjects") Then
ElseIf( currentTrackingType == "TrackedObjects") Then
ElseIf( currentTrackingType == "PoseObjects") Then
End If
End If
Dim visibilityTarget = GetParameterContainer("visibilityTarget")
visibilityTarget.Active = trackingActive AND somethingToShow
this.Active = trackingActive AND somethingToShow
End Sub
Sub OnInitParameters()
RegisterParameterBool("trackingActive", "Tracking Active", True)
RegisterParameterInt("trackingID", "Tracking ID", 1, 1, 5)
RegisterParameterContainer("gfxTarget", "GFX Target")
RegisterParameterBool("gfxFollowX", "GFX - Follow X", False)
RegisterParameterBool("gfxFollowBBX", "GFX - Follow Bounding Box Width", False)
RegisterParameterDouble("gfxDeltaX", "GFX - Distance X", 0.0, -1000000, 1000000)
RegisterParameterBool("gfxFollowY", "GFX - Follow Y", False)
RegisterParameterBool("gfxFollowBBY", "GFX - Follow Bounding Box Height", False)
RegisterParameterDouble("gfxDeltaY", "GFX - Distance Y", 0.0, -1000000, 1000000)
RegisterParameterBool("gfxDoScale", "GFX - Scale by Bounding Box", False)
RegisterParameterDouble("gfxInMinScale", "GFX - Input Min Scale", 0.0, 0, 1.0)
RegisterParameterDouble("gfxInMaxScale", "GFX - Input Max Scale", 1.0, 0, 1.0)
RegisterParameterDouble("gfxOutMinScale", "GFX - Output Min Scale", 0.0, 0, 1000000)
RegisterParameterDouble("gfxOutMaxScale", "GFX - Output Max Scale", 1.0, 0, 1000000)
RegisterParameterBool("tornadoActive", "Tornado Active", False)
RegisterParameterContainer("tornadoTarget", "Tornado - Target")
RegisterParameterDouble("tornadoDeltaX", "Tornado - Distance X", 0.0, -1000000, 1000000)
RegisterParameterDouble("tornadoDeltaY", "Tornado - Distance Y", 0.0, -1000000, 1000000)
RegisterParameterInt("trackingJoint", "Tracking Pose Joint", 0, 0, 32)
RegisterParameterContainer("visibilityTarget", "Visibility Target")
RegisterParameterContainer("centerTarget", "Debug - Center Target")
RegisterParameterContainer("bbTarget", "Debug - BB Target")
End Sub
Sub OnSharedMemoryVariableChanged(map As SharedMemory, mapKey As String)
currentTrackingType = mapKey
End Sub

In a first step, the script calculates in the OnInit method the available width and height of the viewport on the zero Z plane. In the OnExecPerField method, the tracking data is read out using a given shared memory keys.

The TrackingID parameter selects the tracked point to follow in the tracking points data structures (it represents also the Tracked Object Input ID in the Viz Arc interface).

The script uses the GFX Target (that represents the tracked point), it is used very much like the Autofollow plug-in. Additionally it uses a few more parameters that determine an additional offset relative to the tracked object's bounding box.

  • GFX - Follow X: Allows the graphics follow the horizontal movement of the tracked object.

  • GFX - Follow Bounding Box Width: Positions the graphics on the right hand side of the bounding box.

  • GFX - Distance X: Adds constant horizontal offset.

  • GFX - Follow Y: Allows the graphics follow the vertical movement of the tracked object.

  • GFX - Follow Bounding Box Height: Aligns the graphics on top of the bounding box.

  • GFX - Distance Y: Adds constant vertical offset.

  • GFX - Scale by Bounding Box: Uses Bounding Box size to scale graphics.

  • GFX - Input Min Scale: Sets minimum input scale of the Bounding Box height. The input height is normalized between 0 and 1 (where 1 is the full screen height, 0.1 is 10% of the screen height etc.).

  • GFX - Input Max Scale: Sets maximum input scale of the Bounding Box height. The input height is normalized between 0 and 1 (where 1 is the full screen height, 0.1 is 10% of the screen height etc.).

  • GFX - Output Min Scale: Maps minimum output scale of the graphics.

  • GFX - Output Max Scale: Maps maximum output scale of the graphics.

Using the above sample values, a bounding box with height of 0.05 or smaller (thus 5% of the screen height or smaller) results in a scaling of 0.4 (Output Min Scale). A bounding box of height 0.2 or larger (20% or larger of the screen height) is scaled to 0.7.

All values in between 0.05 and 0.2 are interpolated linearly between 0.4 and 0.7. Adjust those values to suit your graphics. The sample in this script considers only the height of the bounding box, but it could be easily changed to consider the surface of the bounding box or the width only.

The checkbox Tornado Active enables both the visualization and the evaluation of the position of the Tornado - Target.

It can be customized through:

  • Tornado - Distance X: The horizontal offset from the tracked point.

  • Tornado - Distance Y: The vertical offset from the tracked point.

The Tracking Pose Joint selects the landmark to be used as tracked point.

The script then switches on and off the target container defined in the Visibility Target parameter when tracking begins and tracking ends or is lost. This can be also replaced with a stage command for example. 

The parameter container Debug - Center Target is updated on every field to the "check" the actual tracking position. 

Parent Transformations: The script above does not consider any parent transformations of the target container. Make sure the target container contains no additional parent transformations.

The Debug - BB Target container parameter (which might contain a Noggi or Rectangle plug-in) gets resized according to the tracked width and height of the object.

Bounding Box Sizes: The bounding box sizes might become zero. This is always the case for simple and manual tracking.

Data Structures

Detection and Tracking, Simple Tracking and Manual Tracking

Each frame the Object Tracker updates the VizCommunicationMap variable with key TrackedObjects. It contains the structure shown below:

Structure tracked
x as Double
y as Double
width as Double
height as Double
valid as Integer
score as Double
End Structure
Structure trackedObjects
tc as Integer
tos as Array[tracked]
End Structure

The trackedObjects structure contains an array of five tracked structures (the maximum number of objects that can be tracked); the parameter valid shows whether the object is actually tracked. The position inside the array matches the InputID used when the object was selected.

Face Tracking

Each frame the Object Tracker updates the VizCommunicationMap variable with key FaceObjects. It contains the structure shown below:

Structure Point3D
x as Double
y as Double
z as Double
End Structure
Structure face
valid as Integer
Outline as Array[Point3D]
EyeLeft as Array[Point3D]
EyeRight as Array[Point3D]
Mouth as Array[Point3D]
BetweenEyes as Point3D
EyeCornerLeft as Point3D
EyeCornerRight as Point3D
PupilLeft as Point3D
PupilRight as Point3D
NoseTip as Point3D
CheekLeft as Point3D
CheekRight as Point3D
MouthCornerLeft as Point3D
MouthCornerRight as Point3D
Chin as Point3D
Roll as Double
Pitch as Double
Yaw as Double
End Structure
Structure faceObjects
tc as Integer
fs as Array[face]
End Structure

The faceObjects structure contains an array of five face structures (the maximum number of objects that can be tracked); the parameter valid shows whether the face is actually tracked. The position inside the array matches the InputID used when the face was selected.

2D Pose Tracking

Each frame the ObjectTracker updates the VizCommunicationMap variable with key PoseObjects. It contains the structure shown below:

Structure Point3D
x as Double
y as Double
z as Double
End Structure
Structure pose
valid as Integer
skeleton as Array[Point3D]
End Structure
Structure poseObjects
tc as Integer
ps as Array[pose]
End Structure

The poseObjects structure contains an array of five pose structures (the maximum number of objects that can be tracked); the parameter valid shows whether the object is actually tracked. The position inside the array matches the InputID used when the person was selected. The skeleton array is filled as follows:

If a landmark is not detected, its coordinates are outside the screen (x:-1.0 y:-1.0 z:-1.0).