
  • Windows 10 (64-bit only)

  • Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Microsoft .NET Core Framework 3.1

  • CodeMeter version 6.80 and later

  • NVIDIA Cuda v12.1

  • NVIDIA TensorRT v8.6.1.6

  • NVIDIA CUDNN v8.9.0

Vizrt Software

  • Viz Engine version 4.4.0 and later.

  • Viz Arc version 2.0.0 and later.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

720p, 1080i, 1080p

Object Tracker

  • 1x HP Z8 or Dell R7920

  • 2x RTX 4000 or better

  • 1x Matrox DSXLE4 or better

Viz Arc

  • HP Zbook Mobile Workstation


  • 1x HP Z4 

  • 1x RTX 2000

Information: Viz Arc must run on separate Hardware than the Object Tracker.

SDI Preview

If there is a requirement for an SDI Preview in addition to the SDI PGM OUT, an additional Object tracker box is required.


Vizrt does not recommend or test antivirus systems in combination with Vizrt products, as the use of such systems can potentially lead to performance losses. The decision for the use of antivirus software and thus the risk of impairments of the system is solely at the customer's own risk.

There are general best-practice solutions, these include setting the antivirus software to not scan the systems during operating hours and that the Vizrt components, as well as drives on which clips and data are stored, are excluded from their scans (as previously stated, these measures cannot be guaranteed).

Services and folders which should be excluded from scanning are:

  • All files and executables coming from C:\Program Files\Vizrt\Viz Object Tracker.

  • Make an exception for VizObjectTracker.exe.