
The Hop Sync plug-in coordinates between labels and other 3D objects with built-in animations and hop animations. The Hop Sync plug-in is applied to the same container as Label It, or to a container above the label design containers but below the top design container which is used to create the label merged object. To use Hop Sync plug-in, the label designs must include a merged object containing the design. The plug-in defines a point in the label animation that is matched with the hop point in the Navigator animation.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Maps

Hop Sync Properties

  • Director: Defines to which director the label animation is copied to.

    • Navigator: Copies the label animation to the Navigator director. This option is used when the label animation should end before or at the time the Navigator animation has reached a hop point. When the Navigator director reaches a hop point and Continue is pressed (or pause time ends) the label animation also continues, causing the label to disappear.

    • Hop Director: Copies the label animation to a new director. This option is used when the label animation should end after the hops animation has stopped (or paused). If the label animation is copied to the Navigator director, the label animation stops before the entire label is revealed.

    • Separate: Copies the label animation to a new director (not the Hop or Navigator director) to give you more options. Note that it does not perform animation offsets.

  • Animation Start Time: Defines the point in the label animation that is matched to the hop point in the Navigator animation. The value is set by typing in a number (in seconds), or clicking and sliding the mouse over the parameter until the animation point is reached. Another option is to use the Set Highlight Time button. Play the animation and when reaching the requested point in the label animation, stop and click the Set Highlight Time. The current label animation value is copied to the Animation Start Time field.

  • Order Offset: Enables/disables an offset between the animation of the objects.

    • Animation Order Offset Time: Determines the offset for the animation (for example, when setting this value to 1.2, the third detail animation starts after 2.4 seconds after the animation has reached the destination).