Viz World User Guide

Version 23.0 | Published December 12, 2023 ©


The basic workflow from the design of templates to playout is as follow:

  1. The first step of the process is to create a single (or multiple) in-house map project templates that set the look and feel of all the produced maps later in the production chain. This is done using Viz World Classic (VWC), selecting for example style and color on the selected map area, type of borderlines, label fonts, and available marker icons.

  2. The designed map project template is made available to users of Vizrt client software via the Viz World Server (WoS).

  3. A graphic designer creates Viz scenes that include maps, based on the same map project template now residing on the Viz World Server. The designer has the option to create 2D or 3D labels and markers inside Viz, instead of using the ones exposed in Viz World Classic.

  4. Based on the Viz scenes, graphical templates can be made for other Vizrt applications.

  5. An editor opens a template, from for example the Viz Pilot, and creates a map to fit the main news of today.