Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.4 | Published July 03, 2019 ©
Viz Control Components
This section covers the following topics:
Drag Edit Component
Value Control Component
Audio Control Component
Targa Control Component
Triplet Editor Component
Drag Edit Component
The TDragEdit component is used to set numeric values, either by entering the values using a numeric pad or using the cursor by clicking the text box and dragging in a horizontal direction to adjust the value.
Notable Properties
Enabled: Enables the control.
ReadOnly: Enables the value to be read only.
Text: Sets the text string associated with the control.
Value Control Component
The TWValueControl component is a generic component used for scripting to control values outside the scope of Template Wizard’s default components. It is therefore a good tool to use in situations where Template Wizard does not offer a default component for certain exposed Control plugins and properties.
Value Control can only be used with scripting, and is therefore not visible as a component to the operator. However, you can expose it by using other components that can be used to assign values to the Value Control’s ControlValue property.
Notable Properties
ControlObjectName: Sets the exposed Control plugin property that Value Control is to control (for example 01.kerning).
ControlValue: Sets the value that Control Object in Viz is to receive in order to control the exposed Control plugin property.
Script Example
Sub TWUniButton1Click(Sender)
TWValueControl1.ControlValue = TWUniEdit1.Text
End sub
Audio Control Component
The VizAudioCtrl component is used to select audio clips from a defined directory (for example share). Supported file formats for this control are mp3 and wav.
Notable Properties
_InitialDir: Sets the default directory/share from where the audio clips are to be located.
ChannelID: Sets the Channel ID used by the scene in Viz for playing out audio.
Director: Sets the name of the director in the scene that controls the audio animation.
Filename: Sets the audio filename.
Keyframe: Specifies the Viz keyframe to control.
Note: The _UnixShare property is deprecated.
Targa Control Component
The VizTargaCtrl component is used to selected video clips from a defined directory (for example share). Supported file formats for this control are dif, avi and dv.
Notable Properties
_InitialDir: Sets the default directory/share from where the video clips are to be located.
ChannelID: Sets the Channel ID used by the scene in Viz for playing out video.
Director: Sets the name of the director in the scene that controls the video animation.
Filename: Sets the video filename.
Keyframe: Specifies the Viz keyframe to control.
Note: The _UnixShare property is deprecated.
Triplet Editor Component
The TripletEditor component is used to set control values exposed from Viz such as position and scaling that require control of three values (for example X, Y and Z).
Notable Properties
Max, Min: Sets the maximum and minimum values.
XValue, YValue, ZValue: Sets the parameters X, Y and Z.