Viz Multiplay User Guide

Version 2.6 | Published September 20, 2019 ©

Sources Pane

Use the Sources Pane to find media for your show:

Media Tab



Before using the Media Tab, make sure your search providers have been configured in Settings > Servers Tab.

In the Media tab, you can search for video and images in any of the search providers you have connected to, including Preview Server, Viz One, Pilot Data Server, Media Service and Graphic Hub.

Once the element is found, drag it from the Media Tab to your channels.

Add items to channels from the Media tab

Drag individual items or groups of items into channels from the Media tab.

  1. Click the Media tab.

  2. Select a media type.


  3. Drag an item into a channel.


  4. Hold CTRL and click multiple items to drag them as a group into a channel.


Media Search Filters


Not all search criteria are supported for all search providers, so they will be hidden if not available.

    • Keyword search: Searches descriptions


    • Media type: Video or Image


    • Date range: Filter by date. All items, Last hour, Last day, Last week, Last month. Works with media from Viz One, Media Service, Pilot Data Server.


    • Tags: Works with media from Pilot Data Server and Viz One. Only one tag can be selected at a time.


    • Search Provider: Select the media sources you want to search in (Pilot Data Server, Media Service, Viz One, Graphic Hub and Graphic Hub: default folder).


      GraphicHub REST service versions higher than 2.0.1 support Graphic Hub: default folder as a search provider, in addition to Graphic Hub. The default folder only contains images ingested through the Graphic Hub REST API, while the Graphic Hub search provider exposes the full content of the Graphic Hub.

    Video Preview

    To preview a video, right-click an item and select Preview.

    Videos can be edited once they have been added to channels, see Editing Videos.


    Inbox Tab


    The Inbox feature allows users to work together to find and collect elements, that can be easily added to a story. An inbox is global, meaning that it is available regardless of the currently open show in Viz Multiplay.

    An Inbox is a show that is marked as an inbox by selecting it in Settings > Inboxes Tab.

    Any content added to this show (eg. Crops) is immediately available in the Inbox tab. The elements can be dragged from the Inbox tab to a channel.


    When an element is dragged from the inbox to a channel in a show, the element is copied, not referenced. This means that after the drag operation, there will be two separate elements that can be modified independently of each other.

    There are several ways to ingest elements into an inbox dynamically - for instance through the Media Sequencer REST API.

    See Also

    GFX Tab


    The GFX tab is a playlist within the show. It can be populated by importing Viz Artist scenes directly from the Graphic Hub or by using Viz Trio or the REST API of the Media Sequencer. It is also possible to drag or copy and paste elements from a channel into a group in the GFX tab.

    The content from the GFX playlist is only available within the show in which the playlist is created. A playlist is set as the GFX tab by selecting it in Settings > General Tab> Graphics.

    The graphical elements can be empty templates or filled with content and can be edited once they have been added to a channel, see Editing Graphics. Any changes made inside an element are visible immediately.

    The context menu

    Right-clicking an element in the GFX tab brings up the following options:

    • Edit: Open the default editor for this element. It can be useful to set default values or, for instance, write a better description of the graphics.

    • Copy: Copies the element. It can be pasted anywhere in the channels.

    • Remove: Deletes the element.

    • Rename: Set a description for the element. Useful when the auto-generated description is not adequate.

    • Import Graphics: Opens the Import graphics dialog box. This makes it possible to import graphics directly from the Graphic Hub.

    • Reimport: Re-imports the graphics from the Graphic Hub. This is useful if the graphics designer has added or removed control fields.

    Changing thumbnail size and aspect ratio

    Use the slider to increase the size of the thumbnails in the GFX tab.

    • Drag right to view bigger thumbnails and left to view smaller thumbnails.


    The thumbnails for each group in the GFX tab can have different aspect ratios. This is handy if you have wide scenes or portrait scenes meant for playout in GFX channels with the same aspect ratio.

    • Right-click a group in the GFX tab.

    • Select Set Aspect Ratio.

    • Choose an aspect ratio or select Custom.

    • In the custom box - enter a numeric value (width divided by height).


    See Also

    Videowall Tab


    The Videowall tab is a playlist within the show. It contains a set of Presets (video wall layouts). The content from this playlist is only available within the show in which the playlist is created.

    A playlist is set as the Videowall tab by selecting it in Settings > General Tab > Videowall.

    The presets can be empty video wall layouts, or can be filled with content (media and scenes). The elements can be edited once they have been added to a channel (see Editing Presets). Any changes made inside an element are visible immediately.

    Viewing elements in the Videowall tab

    • Drag the slider to the right to view bigger presets and left to view smaller presets:


    Connect a videowall group to a videowall

    Playout all the presets in a group on a specific videowall.


    Create one group for each videowall in a profile.

    1. Right-click a group in the Videowalls tab.

    2. Select the desired videowall together with its main channel (the Viz output on which the videowall presets are run).


    3. Now, this group only contains presets assigned to the selected videowall.

    See Also

    Templates Tab


    The Templates tab gives you access to Viz Pilot templates and elements. It is available if you have Viz Pilot configured as a search provider in Settings > Servers Tab.

    Browse for a Viz Pilot template or an element. Right-click and select Preview to preview the graphics in a higher resolution.


    Drag templates directly into your channels. This will automatically create a new Viz Pilot element.


    The templates can be edited once they have been added to a channel (see Editing Graphics). Any changes made inside an element are visible immediately.

    See Also

    Working with data elements

    Drag data elements from the Templates Tab into channels in the Media Column.

    Learn more:

    What are data elements?

    Data elements are variations of a template.

    For example, the same lower third may be used in both the morning and evening shows. Two different elements are created from a single template, each containing styling specific to the show it is created for. The morning show element has a green lower third while the evening show element has a red lower third.

    Where do I find data elements?

    Elements are accessible at the bottom of the templates tab. Drag them into channels in the same way as templates.


    Refreshing the data elements list

    The data elements list is read out from the Pilot Data Server when a concept or a template is selected. This list does not change, even if someone is changing the list on the server. The list must therefore be refreshed manually.

    To refresh the list:

    1. Right-click an element in the data elements list.

    2. Click Reload list.


    The current subset of data elements will now be reloaded from the server.

    Filtering data elements

    Multiplay groups elements by concept and by template.


    Filtering data elements by category is not possible.

    View elements by concept

    Show all data elements belonging to all templates in a concept.

    1. In the Templates Tab, click the Concepts menu and select a concept.


    2. Both templates (1) and elements (2) for the selected concept are listed. Here, the Viz Story Square concept has a number of templates and two elements, that is versions of those templates.



      The elements window title shows Elements from concept to remind you that you are viewing elements associated with a concept.

    View elements by template

    Show all data elements belonging to a specific template.

    1. In the Templates Tab, click a particular template to view its elements.


    2. Here, the Banner3 template has a single element titled Changed/Na....


      The elements window title shows Elements from template to remind you that you are viewing elements associated with a single template.

    List and Grid View

    In the Templates Tab, click images/download/thumbnails/54029033/usingvmp_gridlist.png to view elements and templates in list or grid view.

    See Also