Mosart Web Applications Guide

Version 1.7 | Published March 14, 2024 ©

Hosting NRCS Plugin within Pilot Edge

If you are using the Pilot Edge version 3.0 or later, you are now able to Host the NRCS plugin within the Pilot Edge plugin.

How to Set up

  • Open your Pilot Data Server.

  • Click on the Settings option.

  • Right click on the Pilot Settings text in the top right corner of the page, then click the Add New Optional Parameter option

  • Add a parameter called moseditor_mosart_url which then appears in the list.


  • In the value field, paste in the URL to your NRCS Plugin, for example: https://localhost:55143/plugin/?nrcs=iNews.

  • Click the Save button, on the top left.

Note: If you are using the Pilot Edge on HTTPS, the Mosart NRCS plugin has to be on HTTPS as well.

How to Use

  • Open the Pilot Edge plugin in your newsroom system, there is now a new tab on the top named Mosart. When you click on it, the Mosart NRCS plugin opens.

  • If you want to Drag in a Mosart item into your rundown, you cannot drag directly from the plugin itself. Instead you have to select the item you want to drag, then drag the cross icon at the very top right of the plugin.

  • Editing an item works exactly the same as if you were using the Mosart NRCS plugin normally. Just now if you try to edit a Mosart item that was dragged in while hosted in Pilot Edge, it automatically opens the the NRCS plugin within Pilot Edge.

Note: As of right now, editing items ONLY works properly in INEWS.