Viz Mosart Media Router Guide

Version 5.4 | Published October 04, 2023 ©

Media Router Database Configuration

Currently the Media Router database configuration is done by editing the Media Router database file, MediaRouterDb.xml directly.

The MediaRouterDb.xml file is divided into distinct categories for Clients > Outports and Sources > Inports. An outport is linked to its client and an inport is linked to its source using the Id property.

The tables in the following subsections specifies a sample setup with devices to be controlled along with two Viz Mosart servers in a redundancy setup (main/backup). It is recommended to create such tables before doing the Media Router configuration. Note the following abbreviation used to make it easier to identify connection type or category:

  • VS = Video Server

  • OG = Overlay Graphics

  • FG = Fullscreen Graphics

  • RC = Robotic Cameras

  • L = Lights

  • W = Video Wall