Viz Mosart Media Router Guide

Version 5.3 | Published September 14, 2023 ©

Media Router Console Commands

It is possible to activate predefined salvos, to set individual crosspoints and to get router information by entering appropriate console commands. The following commands are available:

  • autofailover: Toggles auto failover mode. See the MosartMediaRouterService configuration.

  • autotake: Toggle autotake mode. See the MosartMediaRouterService configuration.

  • clear: Clears the console window

  • command: Syntax: command cmd [arg1] [arg2]. Executes a Media Router command with two optional arguments. The following commands are available:

    • backup: Enforces a backup of the Media Router database

    • get <filename> : Retrieves the current Media Router database and stores the database using the given filename.

    • reset: Resets the Media Router to the latest Media Router database stored on the file system.

    • restore <filename> : Restores the Media Router database to the content of the database stored in the given filename

    • flush: Flushes the current content of the Media Router to file storage. This command may be used to set the initial state of the Media Router

  • deletesalvo: Syntax: deletesalvo salvo. Deletes the specified salvo

  • exit: Exits the Media Router

  • getconfig: Syntax: getconfig client. Returns the current configuration for the given client. Used mainly for testing Mosart Server clients

  • getstatus: Returns an xml string containing current Media Router status.

  • help: Lists all commands

  • idle: Toggles active / idle mode of the Media Router service. Used for testing

  • list: Syntax: list [salvos|clients|sources|inputs|outputs|all]. List various router information

  • restore: Syntax: restore <filename>. Restores the Media Router database to the content of the database stored in the given filename.

  • save: Syntax: save <filename>. Retrieves the current Media Router database and stores the database using the given filename.

  • setactive: Activates the Media Router service

  • setcrosspoint: Syntax: setcrosspoint inport outport [salvo]. Sets a crosspoint in the given salvo:

    • If no salvo is given then the pending salvo is used. I.e. a set crosspoint request is sent to corresponding clients.

    • If the given salvo is not present, a new salvo will be created.

  • setsalvo: Syntax: setsalvo salvo. Fires the specified salvo

  • verbose: Turns on/off verbose diagnostics
    Note when specifying crosspoints in console commands the inport/outport name shall be used to identify the corresponding port.

Media Router console command examples

  • List all current salvos: list salvos

  • List active connections: list salvos current

  • List pending connections: list salvos pending

  • List a specified salvo: list salvos M1.A

  • Connects video port M1.A.A to Quantel 2 / Port 1: setcrosspoint VS.Q2.1 M1.A.VA

  • Sets a crosspoint in a salvo: setcrosspoint VS.Q2.1 M1.A.VA M1.Backup

  • Fires a salvo: setsalvo M1.Backup

  • Deletes a salvo: deletesalvo M1.Backup