Viz Mosart Media Router Guide

Version 5.2 | Published April 05, 2023 ©

About Media Router

Media Router allows for device sharing in a limited resource environment. It is used to share broadcast media resources between multiple Viz Mosart Servers and other broadcast equipment.

Media Router uses the functionality provided by Viz Mosart Server, allowing changes to Viz Mosart-controlled resources to be made dynamically, that is, without restarting any of the Viz Mosart applications.

The equipment types which are controllable by Media Router are:

  • Video Servers (VS)

  • Overlay Graphics (OG)

  • Fullscreen Graphics (FG)

  • Robotic Cameras (RC)

  • Lights (L)

  • Video Wall (W)

Media Router is normally used in the following scenarios:

  • To change the resource configuration of a Viz Mosart server installation prior to running a show. That is, to share resources between multiple Viz Mosart server installations/galleries.

  • In emergencies to make use of backup resources.

The Media Router resembles a router in that changes are done by setting crosspoints in a router setup. Thereby connecting resources (inputs) with Viz Mosart (outputs).

This section contains the following: