Gateway Administrator Guide
Version 5.2 | Published March 01, 2019 ©
This section explains some of the expressions and acronyms used in this manual.
MOS - Media Object Server
MOS is an evolving protocol for communications between Newsroom Computer Systems (NCS) and Media Object Servers (MOS) such as Video Servers, Audio Servers, Still Stores, and Character Generators. For more information, please see the MOS Protocol website: http://www.mosprotocol.com
MOS Lower Port
MOS Lower Port (10540) is defined as the default TCP/IP port on which the NCS will accept connections from MOS devices. Multiple simultaneous connections are supported. This socket is referred to as “Media Object Metadata” port in the Message Types section.
MOS Upper Port
MOS Upper Port (10541) is defined as the default TCP/IP port on which the MOS will accept connections from the NCS. Multiple simultaneous connections are supported. This socket is referred to as “Running Order” port in the Message Types section.
RO - Running Order
To Viz Pilot and Viz Trio, a running order is the same as a playlist. It contains objects that reference the information about graphics elements created by the journalist using the Newsroom Connect Component. A Running Order consists of zero or multiple stories, which again contains one or multiple items. Objects can appear multiple times in a story, but only once in an item.
VCP is short for “Viz Content Pilot”. This product is now re-named Viz Pilot, but you can still find references to it’s old name.
Accumulate Running Order List
When this setting is enabled, Gateway will keep an internal list of available rundowns. Less traffic is generated to and from the NCS when the list is accumulated internally.