When running Viz Arc, a SignalR Hub waits for incoming connections internally. The Viz Arc In-App Web API portcan be configured, see Communication under the General Settings. The hub where the various methods can be invoked by clients is called VizArcHub.

Information: To use an external application running a SignalR client, please use a .NET 6.0 based project.

The server supports the following methods

  • setStringVariable (string varName, string value)

  • setJSONVariable (string varName, string json)

Those two methods allow clients to set simple variable names with either a string value or a JSON string. Viz Arc scripts is notified of variable changes and can process their value. The following code sample shows client setting variables in Viz Arc:

C# Client Sample

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client;
// connects to VizArcHub on localhost and default port 5004
HubConnection connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
// connect
await connection.StartAsync();
// set some DataMap variable
await connection.InvokeAsync("setStringVariable", "hello", "world!");

In any Viz Arc script, the values above can be read, as in the following simple sample:

Viz Arc Script

Global.OnInit = function () {
Console.WriteLine( "data " + GetData("hello"))
Console.WriteLine( "json " + GetData("jsonData").ToString())
Console.WriteLine( "name is " + GetData("jsonData").Name.ToString())
// subscribe to all DataMap variable changes
Global.OnDataMapValueChanged = function (varName) {
Console.WriteLine( varName + " changed to "+ GetData(varName).ToString())
if( varName == "jsonData" )
Console.WriteLine( "nams is " + GetData("jsonData").Name.ToString())

The method GetData returns the currently set value of the variable.

MQTT Broker

When the MQTT broker port is configured, an internal MQTT broker starts on Viz Arc startup. All topic changes are transmitted to the DataMap using the MQTT topic as the key and the topic's payload as value.

To test the integration you can wither use the MQTT Explorer (this tool can be useful to monitor Viz Arc's MQTT broker as well) or a .NET core project using the following C# code:

Sample C# Snippet for Publishing a MQTT Topic to Viz Arc

// using nuget package MQTTnet.AspNetCore and MQTTnet.Extensions.ManagedClient
using MQTTnet;
using MQTTnet.Client;
using MQTTnet.Client.Options;
// ...
var factory = new MqttFactory();
IMqttClient mqttClient = factory.CreateMqttClient(); // create MQTT client
var options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder().WithTcpServer("localhost", 1883).Build(); // create connection options
var connResult = mqttClient.ConnectAsync(options, CancellationToken.None).Result; // connect to VizArc's MQTT broker
var message = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder().WithAtLeastOnceQoS().WithTopic("local/news/breaking").WithPayload("breaking news").Build(); // create message
var result = mqttClient.PublishAsync(message, CancellationToken.None).Result; // publish the message

Viz Arc JavaScript Sample to Receive and Read MQTT Topics through the DataMap

var listenTopic = "local/news/breaking"
Global.OnInit = function ()
Global.OnDataMapValueChanged = function (varName)
if( varName == listenTopic )
news.Value = GetData(listenTopic)

The script above listens to changes on the "local/news/breaking" topic and updates a text box accordingly. 

TCP Server

Viz Arc starts up a TCP server which can be used to set and get DataMap variables. The port of the server can be configured, see General Settings.

You can set DataMap variables using a command string from a Viz Engine script:

Set DataMap

System.TcpSendAsync("resultSetDM", "localhost", 9204, "ARC*DATAHUB SET key|someValue 1.0 1.0 1.0", 1000)

The command above sets the variable key to the value someValue 1.0 1.0 1.0. The | character separates the key from the value. This value can then be further processed in Viz Arc.

To read back a value from the DataMap in Viz Arc you can use the GET command like in the sample below.

Get DataMap

Dim ret = System.TcpSend("localhost", 9204, "ARC*DATAHUB GET key", 1000)

The Viz Engine script variable ret contains the value of key.

You can execute an action using a command string from a Viz Engine script:

Execute Action

System.TcpSendAsync("resultSetActionName", "localhost", 9204, "ARC*ACTION EXECUTE loadSceneA", 1000)
System.TcpSendAsync("resultSetActionGUID", "localhost", 9204, "ARC*ACTION EXECUTE 49c525fa-0ce8-46e1-bae4-acfb4abdb629", 1000)

The commands above search for actions loadSceneA by name and 49c525fa-0ce8-46e1-bae4-acfb4abdb629 by GUID and execute them if they can be found in the current project.

DataMap Linking

Some scripting UI components like Text, Int or Double have the properties Linked Data Key and Linked Data Query.

The Data Key entry can accept any key name used in a DataMap entry. As an example add a key matchResult using the web UI to insert key/value pairs on Viz Arc.

Enter matchResult as Linekd Data Key and the text value updates to the previously entered data.

For more complex data structures such as .json strings, the Linked Data Query can be used. 

JSON Sample Data

"Home":"City A",
"Away":"City B",
"Home":"FC A",
"Away":"FC B",

The DataMap after adding the above .json using the matches key.

Enter a JSONPath string $[0].HomeScore to get the home score of the first .json array element.

Instead of using constant values for indexing the .json array a variable can be used instead. A variable must be enclosed in % character and should be the ID of an existing scripting UI element.

$[%dropdown_0%].HomeScore gets resolved to $[1].HomeScore as the dropdown value of the dropdonw_0 component is 1.

In order to force an evaluation of the expression of the Linked Data Query, use the function UpdatateDataLink available on all scripting parameters.

The following sample forces a re-evaluation of the Linked Data Query on parameter int_0 whenever the value of the dropdown dropdown_0 changes.

Global.OnParameterChanged = function (id)
if( id == "dropdown_0" )


Dropdowns can be populated using Queries that return arrays, for example:


In this case the query $[*]['matchID'] selects the matchID’s of all array elements.


Tables can be populated in a similar manner as dropdowns:


The query $[*]['Home','Away','HomeScore','AwayScore'] returns an array containing the four selected members Home, Away, HomeScore and AwayScore in this order. The calculated array looks like:

["City A", "City B", 4, 2, "FC A", "FC B", 0, 1]

It is important to note that the Table needs to have the matching columns in place, in this sample the table has been prepared to have the first two columns to be strings and the last two columns to be integer types.

The table is then populated row by row trying to match the resulting array of the query.

To learn more about the JSONPath syntax, please refer to https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/.

DataMap Websocket

A client can connect to Viz Arc's DataHub socket on the endpoint ws://hostname:5004/api/v1/ws, where hostname is the host name where Viz Arc is running. You can subscribe to DataMap variable changes by sending a JSON string like in the following examples.

To register to changes of someDataKey send a JSON setting like this through the websocket:

"type" : "DataMapSubscribe",
"value" : "someDataKey"

To register to all changes of all keys use an empty string as value.

"type" :"DataMapSubscribe",
"value" :""

Whenever a DataMap variable changes you receive a JSON answer on the websocket like this:

{"type":"DataMap","value":{"key":"someDataKey","value":"Hello World some data"}}