

A Rig is the interface between the Tracking System and the Viz Engine. Click on any Rig icon to view its properties (see Parameter Panel).

A line from a Rig on the left represents a connection to a tracking system (see Tracking Systems). A line from a Rig on the right represents a connection to a Service (see Services).

Rigs are defined as the following types:

  • Translation

  • Arm

  • Location Pivot Rotation

  • Pivot Rotation

  • Camera

  • Object

The Translantion rig is for position data only, and provides the Tracking Hub with the following parameters:

  • pos_x

  • pos_y

  • pos_z

The Arm rig can be rotated in 3 dimensions, and starts with a swivel. It has a defined length with a defined direction, and offsets between swivel and length.

Both the Translation and Arm rigs are used for camera systems such as Spidercam:


The Location Pivot Rotation rig is a rotation interface in the X-Z dimension, with center point (0/0).

Pivot Rotation is a rotation rig with a definable center point. The rig provides the Tracking Hub with the following coordinates:

  • pivotx

  • pivoty

  • pivotz

Camera is a basic rig for tracked cameras.

Object is a basic object for tracked objects.

See Also