Template Builder Release Notes

Version 2.1 | Published April 14, 2021 ©

Template Builder Release Notes

Template Builder 2.1.0

Release Date: 2021-04-14

These are the release notes for Template Builder version 2.1.0. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 2.0.0.

Changes and New Features

  • Improved Scene Browser features are back:

    • The path of selected scenes is displayed and clickable (VPE-3868 & VPE-3895).

    • Folders are visible in the right panel (VPE-3869).

    • Scenes can be sorted chronologically (VPE-3870).

    • Recently updated scenes are gathered in a dedicated folder (VPE-3871).

    • Improved search functionality (VPE-3873 & VPE-3896).

  • If set in Viz Artist, "Deny browsing upwards" is now functional for assets (VPE-3640).

  • The cursor now indicates if a field can't be dropped (VPE-3832).

  • You can now update a template by reloading a scene that's been updated in Viz Artist (VPE-3019).

  • In a custom layout, you can now browse for assets by clicking anywhere in their container (VPE-3921).

  • The Concept Manager dialog has been revamped (VPE-4017).

Fixed Issues

  • Deleting a field from a custom layout won't affect the labels or positions of other fields (VPE-3958).

  • Grid pattern is always updated when page is zoomed in or out (VPE-3782).

  • The selected field won't be placed at the top when creating a tab containing all fields (VPE-3823).

  • Redoing a tab order change restores the correct position (VPE-3755).

  • Hidden fields won't receive focus (VPE-3825).

  • Improved fields focus when using keyboard navigation (VPE-3824).

  • Number sliders show up directly after setting a min & max value (VPE-3909).

  • Tempered visual artifacts when closing or deleting a custom layout (VPE-3781).

  • No more blank space and scrollbar after resizing the browser window (VPE-3831 & VPE-3934).

  • Adding multiple fields to a custom layout can be undone all at once (VPE-3787).

  • Context menus, number sliders, and date pickers respond better when used in multiple tabs (VPE-3748).

  • Prevented an exception when deleting a tab (VPE-3957).

  • Improved custom layouts responsiveness (VPE-3797 & VPE-3935).

  • Read-only map thumbnails now display correctly (VPE-3891).

Known Issues

  • To prevent issues with geoms appearing as outdated when deploying scenes from Graphic Hub, select "Overwrite creation date" and "Overwrite modification date" in the Deploy Direct Copy panel in Graphic Hub Manager.

  • If the Geom of a scene is outdated or empty when creating a transition logic template, Template Builder blocks use of the scene.
    To fix this, save or update the scene in Viz Artist 4.2. The following feature must be enabled in the Viz Artist config file (see the Viz Artist User Guide for more info):

    • Enable automatic creation of merged geometries when saving a transition logic scene:
      AutoExportTransitionLogicGeometries = 1

  • Although reference scene is now accessible in the new Scene Browser, it is not possible to rename a reference scene from Viz Artist in Template Builder. Renaming is not reflected in Template Builder and may cause issues with transition logic scene import.

  • If a template is created in Template Wizard, the scene must be replaced at least once in Template Builder before the scene reload feature will work.

System Requirements


There are no known hardware limitations for Template Builder, other than requirements stipulated by newsroom systems hosting the client.


  • Graphic Hub 3.4.1 or above

  • Pilot Data Server 8.6.0 or above

  • Preview Server 4.4.1 or above

  • Viz Artist 3.14.2 or above (see note below)

  • Viz Engine 4.2.0

Note: Viz Artist 4.2 and Viz Engine 4.2 are required for transition logic and combo template support. See Configuring Viz Artist below. Viz Artist and Viz Engine 4.2 are therefore recommended.


If running inside a browser, the following minimum requirements apply:

  • Chrome 64 +

  • Safari 11.0 +


Documentation for Template Builder and related software is available at the Vizrt Documentation Center:


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.