Service Host Release Notes

Version 2.2 | Published May 02, 2024 ©

Service Host Release Notes

Service Host 2.2.1

Release Date: 2024-05-02

These are the release notes for Service Host version 2.2.1. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 2.2.0.

Service Host 2.2.0

Release Date: 2024-01-18

These are the release notes for Service Host version 2.2.0. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 2.1.0.

New Features

1 issue


  • Removed the WebRTC plug-in in Service Host 2.2.0. Native WebRTC support is offered in Viz Engine since version 5.1.0.

Known Issues

  • The configuration page needs to fetch the license information. This results in a wait time until the configuration pages for plug-ins show up.

  • Service Host is not forward compatible. Configurations created with a newer version will not work on older versions.

  • Service Host is not able to start Viz Engine if DCH type of NVIDIA driver is installed. Try to configure Service Host to start Viz Engine on User Session or clean install Standard type of NVIDIA driver instead.

  • Service Host is not able to start Viz Engine when it is configured to start Viz Engine on User Session when no users are interactively logged on.

  • Special characters are not supported when trying to rename services while using Firefox.

  • Not able to produce XDCAM HD 422 IBBP.

Supported Hardware and Software

This software has been tested to run on the following systems:

  • Windows Server 2019 (64-bit), Windows Server 2022

  • Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11

Note: Only English language Operating System(s) are supported.


  • Administrator privileges are required to install Service Host.

  • OpenSLP is installed along with Service Host if not present.

  • The WIBU Codemeter runtime 7.60d is installed if not already present.


Service Host does not require any license; however, it installs the WIBU Codemeter runtime.

Several Service Host plug-ins like Channel Recorder require licenses.

Channel Recorder with Service Host 2.2.0

Driver Versions

  • For Matrox video cards, driver version is required. This version is mandatory. Pre-Release versions are not supported.

  • Uninstall previous versions of Matrox DSX.Utils/DSX Topology Utils prior to installing this driver.

  • Install drivers only from a local drive.

  • Reboot between uninstall and install of drivers and once again after the installation has finished.

  • Matrox VfW codecs are included in this driver, so uninstall previous versions of the Matrox VfW codecs and do not install any Matrox VfW codecs over the regular driver installation.

Upgrade Notes

  • Old version of Channel Recorder (1.x) should be uninstalled before installing this version.

  • The Server Search list may be reset when upgrading Codemeter Runtime. Please make sure that the Server Search list is correct after an upgrade.

New Features


No issues found

Known Issues

  • An invalid decimal value in the GUI configuration is allowed to be saved in the XML configuration file.

  • In case a pre-release of the Matrox-Driver (for example, was installed, it is necessary to follow the procedure described below.

    1. Unregister mvfDsxCore.dll.

      1. Click Start > Run (or use the Windows command line: Search > CMD > (Right click) Run as Administrator)

      2. Type REGSVR32 /U "C:\Program Files\Matrox DSX-TopologyUtils\System64\mvfDsxCore.dll" and press ENTER.

    2. Shut down in the task manager.

    3. Delete mvfDsxCore.dll from the folder C:\Program Files\Matrox DSX-TopologyUtils\System64\.

    4. Start


Documentation for Service Host and Channel Recorder are available in the Service Host documentation at the Vizrt Documentation Center.


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.