Graphic Hub Administrator Guide

Version 3.7 | Published August 05, 2022 ©


This is the Graphic Hub Administrator Guide, which provides the information needed to configure and operate the Graphic Hub.

This page contains the following topics:

Feedback and Suggestions

We encourage suggestions and feedback about our products and documentation. To give feedback and/or suggestions, please contact your local Vizrt customer support team at

Graphic Hub Log Files

A Graphic Hub overall report, which contains all Graphic Hub log files and additional system information, can be generated in the Graphic Hub Terminal.

All services installed on the same machine will be included in the export.

If there is no Graphic Hub terminal running on the workstation where the Graphic Hub Deploy Agent is running select and generate these log files:

  • Graphic Hub Log files

    • Location: <current Graphic Hub data directory>/LogFiles

    • Purpose: Graphic Hub runtime and error information.

  • System Event Log

    • Location: Start > Run... > eventvwr.exe > Event Viewer > Windows Logs

    • Name: System

    • Purpose: Information from the current windows system.

    • To create: Right click on System and select Save all Events as...

  • Application Event Log

    • Location: Start > Run... > eventvwr.exe > Event Viewer > Windows Logs

    • Name: Application

    • Purpose: Windows crash information of programs

    • To create: Right click on Application and select Save all Events as...

  • Vizrt Event Log
    Graphic Hub Deploy Agent system log (only exists if Graphic Hub Deploy Agent is installed).

    • Location: Start > Run... > eventvwr.exe > Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs

    • Name: Vizrt

    • Purpose: Deploy agent event log.

    • To create: Right click on Vizrt and select Save all Events as...

Graphic Hub Component Logs

In general, all Graphic Hub Components log files containing important information:


  • Purpose: Configuration and logs of the Graphic Hub component

Graphic Hub REST Log Files

A Graphic Hub REST report, which contains all relevant log files and additional system information according to Graphic Hub REST, can be generated in the Graphic Hub REST web interface.

If this is not possible select and generate these log files:

  • Location: %ProgramData%\vizrt\Viz GH Rest\logs

  • Purpose: Connection, error and event logs of the Graphic Hub REST.

Graphic Hub ImEx Log Files

A Graphic Hub ImEx Report, which contains all relevant log files and additional system information according to Graphic Hub ImEx, can be generated in the Graphic Hub ImEx web interface.

If this is not possible select and generate these log files:

  • Location: %ProgramData%\vizrt\Viz GH ImEx Agent\logs

  • Purpose: Connection, error and event logs of the Graphic Hub ImEx Agent.