Graphic Hub Administrator Guide

Version 3.5 | Published August 12, 2021 ©

Main Menu

The main menu contains the following items:

Server Menu


  • Login...: Opens the Login window, used to log on to one or more Graphic Hubs.

  • Logout: Opens the Log out window used to log out from a Graphic Hub.

  • Terminals...: Opens the Terminals Window. The Terminals monitor window can be used to monitor available terminals on the network.

    Note: Terminal monitoring is only supported for Graphic Hub Terminal versions prior to version 3. For Terminal 3, connect to the Terminal’s web interface.

  • Shutdown...: Opens the Shutdown window, used to remotely shut down servers (see Graphic Hub Shut Down ).

  • Check...: Opens the Check Server window where a search for Data Errors in the internal structure can be performed. Requires the user to be logged on as an Administrator.

  • Import

    • Viz 2.x data: Opens the Import window. From this window it is possible to import a Viz 2.x data folder to the selected database.

    • Viz 2.x archive(s): Opens the Import window. From this window it is possible to import one or more Viz 2.x archives from a folder to the selected database.

    • Manually selected Viz 2.x archive(s): Opens the Import window. From this window it is possible to import one or more Viz 2.x archives to the selected database.

    • Resume from canceled or crashed import: Opens the Import window. From this window it is possible to resume from a failed import by using an automatically created import backup file.

    • Edit preferences: Opens the import Preferences window. From this window it is possible to define various preferences for the import operation, for example the root directory for import log files.

  • Differences: Opens the Server Diff window. From this window it is possible to detect differences between two servers, or the servers in a cluster environment (see Detect and Solve Server Differences).

  • Administer journal entries: Shows/hides the Administer Journal Entries panel in the Main window (see Journal Panel ).

  • Configure Alerts: Opens the Alerts panel, where e-mail notifications and recipients can be configured for an event where errors occur in the system (see Alerts ).

  • Exit: Automatically logs out from all connected Graphic Hubs, and closes the Graphic Hub Manager.

View Menu


  • Toolbars: Select which tool bars to view:

    • Main

    • Servers and Folders

    • Folders and Files

    • Quick Search

    • Layout

  • Panels: Select which Panels to view:

  • Archives: Open the Archives Panel

  • Messages (Chat): Show/hide the chat panel in the main window.

  • Logging panel: Opens the Logging Panel, which shows logged messages, which includes:

    • Error messages

    • Warning messages

    • Info

    • Update messages
      Tick the Write to log-file to write the selected messages to the Graphic Hub log file, if required.

  • Duplicates: Open the duplicates window. From this window it is possible to locate duplicate server files (see Locate Duplicate Files ).

  • Object types: Opens the Object Types window.

  • Active sessions: Opens the Active Sessions window. From this window it is possible to monitor all active sessions.

  • Layouts: Select, save and maintain layouts:

    • Load layout: Select a layout to load.

    • Save current layout:

    • Save current layout as...: Save the current layout as a new layout.

    • Lock/Unlock current layout ‘xxx’: Lock or Unlock the current layout.

    • Maintain layouts: Opens the Maintenance of layouts window.

  • Refresh explorer: Refreshes the Explorer.

Tools Menu


  • Monitor servers: Opens the Monitor Servers window. This window shows an overview of all the servers Graphic Hub Manager is logged in to.

  • Administer users and groups: Opens the Administer Users and Groups window. From this window it is possible to manage users and groups on the various servers (see User and Group Management ).

  • Administer keywords: Opens the Keywords window. From this window it is possible to manage the Keywords in the database.

  • Administer add-ons: Opens the Add-ons Panel.

  • Administer tasks

    • Running deploy tasks: Shows/hides the Running Deploy Tasks panel in the Main window.

    • Scheduled deploy tasks: Shows/hides the Scheduled Deploy Tasks panel in the Main window.

    • Finished deploy tasks: Shows/hides the Finished Deploy Tasks panel in the Main window.

  • Search by UUID: Opens the Search by UUID on server window, used to search for files in the connected databases using universally unique identifiers.

  • Configure deploy agent: Opens the Properties of Deploy Agent dialog box. From this dialog box it is possible to define various Graphic Hub Deploy agent settings (see Deploy Agent Modes). This menu-option is only available in setups with an installed Graphic Hub Deploy agent.

  • Export settings (incl. layouts) to file: Opens a window from where it is possible to export all the workstation-based customizations to the Graphic Hub Manager, such as changes to any of the panels, column layout and visibility, as well as the user interface in general.

  • Import settings (incl. layouts) from file: Opens a window, from where it is possible to import all the workstation-based customizations to a Graphic Hub Manager, such as changes to any of the panels, column layout and visibility, as well as the user interface in general.

  • Edit preferences: Opens the Preferences window. From this window it is possible to define various system preferences.

Extra Menu


Pilot Menu


  • Differences...: Opens the Pilot data differences panel.

  • Create Pilot deploy task...: Opens the create Pilot data deploy task panel.

  • Import...: Opens the import Pilot data panel (see Main and Replication Servers).

Info Menu


  • License info: Opens the License Info window. From this window it is possible to monitor the license information for the available servers.

  • About: Shows the software version and build number of the Graphic Hub Manager.

  • Help: Opens the Graphic Hub online help file.