DataPool User Guide
Version 2.13 | Published November 30, 2018 ©
Special DataPool Variables
$(INDEX): Returns the indexes of sub-containers of the selected container.
$(REFRESH) $(DataField_Name): Triggers all plugins registered to DataField_Name as if the DataField DataField_Name was changed.
$(SCENE), $(THIS_SCENE): Returns the name of the current scene.
$(CONTAINER): Returns the container ID of the container that the DataPool Plugin is attached to.
$(CONTNAME): Returns the name of the container hosting the DataPool plugin.
$(CHILD): Returns the index of the selected child.
$(DATA): Returns the string value of a text object.
$(PARENT): Represents the parent DataPool object/structure of the current DataPool field. This variable enables the user to change the values of its "brother" data fields. This special variable is applicable only in plugins that have an Action parameter.
Example: In the given structure
string Field1
string Field2
If a DataPool plugin, with an Action parameter, on the Field1 container refers to $(PARENT)/Field2, it sets the value of Field2 in the same structure:
"This is the Field1"
The result of this action is that Field2 contains the quoted text and the content of Field1 data field.
IMPORTANT! When working with DataPool structures/objects, the $(PARENT) is the recommended way of addressing other data fields in the DataPool structure/object.
Note: Using the $(PARENT) variable is similar to using the Global/Local parameter in some of the DataPool plugins. Both make the distinction between a DataPool variable that is part of a data structure/object and a DataPool variable that is used not a part of a structure/object.
Note: The Field Name parameter (i.e. the DataPool variable that triggers the action should be a part of the structure. The $(PARENT) value is defined according to this data field.
$(PARENT_NAME): This special variable is applicable only in plugins that have an Action parameter. The $(PARENT_NAME) returns the parent DataPool object/structure name, of the current DataPool field.
Note: The Field Name parameter (i.e. the DataPool variable that triggers the action should be a part of the structure. The $(PARENT_NAME) value is defined according to this data field.
See $(PARENT) description for additional details.
$(PARENT_FULL_NAME): Returns the full hierarchy string of the parent DataPool object/structure, of the current DataPool field. If the structure/object has only one level of variables in the hierarchy, then the $(PARENT_FULL_NAME) and the $(PARENT_NAME) returns the same value. If the structure/object has more than one level, the $(PARENT_FULL_NAME) returns the entire path of the structure from the requested level. The full name is returned in the format of: xx/yy/zz/. This special variable is applicable only in plugins that have an Action parameter.
Note: The Field Name parameter (i.e. the DataPool variable that triggers the action should be a part of the structure. The $(PARENT_FULL_NAME) value is defined according to this data field.
See $(PARENT) description for additional details.
$(FIELD_NAME): Returns the name of the DataField when used in a child container.
$(FIELD_FULL_NAME): Returns the full name of the DataField when used in a child container.
$(FIELD_DATA): Returns the value of a DataField.
$(SCENE_FULL_NAME): Returns the full path and scene name.