Datacenter User Guide

Version 2.2 | Published May 16, 2024 ©

Viz Engine Output

To create an output of type Viz Engine, add a new output and click on the new entry.

On the dialog shown, select Viz Engine in the Type field, and fill all other fields as required:


  • Name: Name of the output that is displayed in the output list.

  • Host: Host address where Viz Engine runs.

  • Port TCP (General Communication port): The port used to communicate with Viz Engine. This must match the port specified in the Viz Engine Settings under Config Communication General Communication Port.

  • Check connection every (ms): Specifies how often the communication between the Viz Engine and Datacenter is health-checked.

    Note: You can temporarily increase the value of the Check connection every (ms) field if the messages sent to Viz Engine appear too often in the Viz Engine console while trying to use it. However, leaving this setting to 1000 ms is strongly recommended to be able to timely detect potential connection issues.

  • Send to: Toggle between communication done via Global Shared Memory Map (default, typically used with Control Objects) or Scene Local Shared Memory Map (typically used with Control Channels).

  • UDP: Read only and auto-populated field.

  • Scene ID: Read only and auto-populated field.

To learn more about configuring a Viz Engine to accept incoming data from Datacenter, please refer to the Configuring Output section of this manual.

To learn more about preparing your Viz Engine scene to accept incoming data, please refer to Prepare Scenes for Data Input in Viz Artist.