Viz Trio User Guide
Version 4.1 | Published September 25, 2023 ©
Viz Template Wizard Scripting
A Viz Template Wizard template can be used to further extend a show’s functionality.
This section covers the following topics:
Dynamically Adding Components
Viz Trio supports the CreateVTWComponent function in Viz Template Wizard for dynamically adding components at run-time.
The following is an example where a text box and a button are used to generate a label at run-time:
curY = AddButton.Top + AddButton.Height +
Sub AddButtonClick(Sender) lbl = CreateVTWComponent(
, Sender.Parent) lbl.Parent = Sender.Parent lbl.Left = Sender.Left lbl.Top = curY curY = curY + lbl.Height +
SetUnicodeValue lbl, GetUnicodeValue(SampleEdit)End Sub
Set and Get Component Values
Viz Trio supports the SetUnicodeValue and GetUnicodeValue functions in Viz Template Wizard.
The following is an example of a text box being used to get and set a value in another text box without using TrioCmd:
Sub TWUniEdit1Change(Sender) Text = GetUnicodeValue(TWUniEdit1) SetUnicodeValue TWUniEdit2, Text End Sub
Set and Get Show Values
Using Viz Template Wizard to create standard templates for a show is useful as it enables you to execute default commands for an entire show. It's therefore possible to set and get show values; however, there are some subtle differences between the two.
For example, when issuing a command such as TrioCmd("page:read 1000") within a Viz Template Wizard template, the page numbered 1000 will be read and previewed.
However, in order to get (return) values, a command must be properly triggered by another event since all Viz Trio commands are queued. The return value will therefore be QUEUED. When a top-level command is executed (from the interface or a macro) it's added to an internal queue and executed after other queued commands are finished.
In order to get return values, the code using TrioCmd() must be issued by another top-level command. In a VTW template this is achieved by adding Viz Trio commands to events:
Function OnMyButtonClick(Sender) TrioCmd(
"page:read 1000"
) TrioCmd(
"vtwtemplate:run_vtw_script GetDescription"
) TrioCmd(
"page:read 1100"
) ... End Function Function GetDescription() returnvalue = TrioCmd(
) msgbox returnvalue End Function
In the example above, the second command vtwtemplate:run_vtw_script will be triggered within GetDescription and return the description value.