This section covers the following topics:

About Actions

Actions, such as Viz Commands and GPI Functions, can automate certain tasks. For example, Viz commands can be used to:

  • Take specific pages on air.

  • Clear specific render layers.

  • Send Stop, Continue, Start and other commands to a specific render layer.

Viz commands are created globally, and can be used on all defined channels.

Note: All commands must first be defined using the Viz Channel Branding client, in order to be available as secondary events.

Defining Actions

To define secondary event actions

  1. Click Actions

    • Predefined commands are displayed:

  2. Right-click one of the actions and select New Viz Command or New GPO Command

  3. In the dialog box enter:

    • Description is the descriptive term that is seen in the Actions list, as well as any drop-down list in the Rules and GPI settings panels.

    • Command is the actual command line sent.

    • Name is a pre-generated name based on type selected (for example viz_newcommand) that is verified as unique upon generation and may be changed into something more descriptive. Name is the value used for scheduling (as “page name”’).

  4. Click OK.

Note: For more information about Viz Commands, consult the Viz Command documentation included with your Viz Engine/Viz Artist installation.

See Also

Referenced Actions

Each occurrence of a Viz or GPI action in a playlist is independent, and editing it from within the playlist will only change that specific instance.

However, you can set up a playlist in such a way as to allow for last-minute global changes by associating referenced actions to primary events. In such a use case, an action is associated by reference to primary events in the playlist. When the action has been changed, either in the actions list (left panel) or by double-clicking on one of the referenced actions in the actual playlist, all occurrences in all playlists in the current channel are changed both retroactively and henceforth.

To create a referenced action

  1. Use an existing action or create a new one.

  2. Press and hold Alt + drag and drop the action to the playlist.
    The action will receive the following icon:
