This section contains a list of properties and functions grouped by type that are useful for communicating with Profile, Channel, and Engine (Viz Engine and Unreal Engine).

Scripting Profile

  • string Name [ Get ]

    • Returns the profile's name

  • int NumChannels [ Get ]

    • Returns the number of channels

  • ScriptingChannel VizEditingEngine [ Get ]

    • Returns the configured Viz Editing Engine of the profile

  • ScriptingChannel UnrealEditingEngine [ Get ]

    • Returns the configured Unreal Editing Engine of the profile

  • ScriptingChannel VizProgramChannel[ Get ]

    • Returns the configured Viz program Engine of the profile

  • ScriptingChannel UnrealProgramChannel[ Get ]

    • Returns the configured Unreal program Engine of the profile

  • ScriptingChannel VizPreviewChannel[ Get ]

    • Returns the configured Viz preview Engine of the profile

  • ScriptingChannel UnrealPreviewChannel[ Get ]

    • Returns the configured Unreal preview Engine of the profile

  • ScriptingChannel Accessor [ int index] [ Get ]

    • Returns the index-indexed Scripting Channel

  • ScriptingChannel GetChannel ( int index )

    • Returns the index-indexed Scripting Channel

  • ScriptingChannel GetChannel ( string channelName )

    • Returns the first channel found with name channelName

Scripting Channel

  • string Name [ Get ]

    • Returns the channel's name

  • int NumChannels [ Get ]

    • Returns numbers of Engines in the channel

  • ScriptingChannel Accessor [ int index] [ Get ]

    • Returns the index-indexed Scripting Engine Class

  • void SendSingleCommand (string command)

    • Sends the command to all the Engines in the channel

  • void SendCommands (string[] commands)

    • Sends a list of commands to all the Engines in the channel

  • ScriptingEngine GetEngineByName (string name)

    • Return the first Engine found with name

Scripting Engine

  • void SendSingleCommand (string command)

    • Sends the command to the Engine

  • void SendCommands (string[] commands)

    • Sends a list of commands to the Engine

  • string QueryEngine (string command)

    • Queries the Engine with command

  • Task<string> QueryEngineAsync (string command)

    • Queries the Engine with command asynchronously