
Both pxTurbDissolve and pxTurbWipe plug-ins utilize the native multi-texturing support of Viz Artist.

pxTurbWipe includes the parameters of Angle and Softness.

To Apply pxTurbDissolve and/or pxTurbWipe

  1. Insert an image into the scene tree.

  2. Go to the image’s texture editor and make sure that the texture Unit is set to 1 and the Inheritable option is active. This is your Image A in an A-B transition paradigm.

  3. Place a child image underneath the first one. This is Image B.

  4. In Image B’s texture editor, set the Unit to 2 and make sure that the Inheritable option is inactive.

  5. Apply pxTurbDissolve to Image A (the parent image).

  6. In the plug-in editor, first adjust the Transition, followed by the other parameters, as per your liking.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Shader -> PixelFX

See Also