The Trace It plug-in places the 3D object it is attached to over a line, created with the 3D Line or Shape to Spline plug-in, and follows the line’s end point.
The object follows the line animation as the object with the Trace It plug-in move with the 3D Line/Shape to Spline end point.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Maps
Trace It Properties
Progress: Indicates the animation position of the 3D Line/Shape to Spline object. When using Shape to Spline, Trace It uses the ShapeToSpline field Trim End to control the progress. Trim Start and Trim Offset must be
. If the data originates from a KML file, the progress is calculated in geographic units, otherwise viz units.Smooth Direction (%): Defines the object’s motion behavior when changing direction. When set to a low value, the direction changes faster.
Quality: Tells the plug-in which resolution to track when tracing a border that by default has three levels of detail (LOD). Available options are High, Medium and Low.
3DLine: Defines the 3D Line/Shape to Spline container that the Trace It plug-in follows.
Previous: Follows the animation of the 3D Line/Shape to Spline plug-in in the previous container.
Above: Follows the animation of the 3D Line/Shape to Spline plug-in in the above container.
Container: Follows the animation of the 3D Line/Shape to Spline plug-in in the container dragged to its container place holder.
Progress Control: Defines how the object’s progress is controlled:
None: Uses the progress ID manually created by the user (stage animation).
Navigator: Follows the animation of the Navigator plug-in.
Slave: Follows the source of the trace from the 3Dline plug-in.
Master: Controls the 3D line plug-in progress, which is the source of the trace.
The Camera tab defines the mode for camera tracking.
Progress: Indicates the animation position of the 3D Line/Shape to Spline object.
Trace Camera: Controls a navigator’s animation between a specified hop and the corresponding one, or manually driven (standalone). Available options are Off, Navigator, Standalone, General and Locks.
Note: When using Shape to Spline, no tracing is possible in non-geo mode, either with camera or without.Off: Does not trace camera animation.
Navigator: Traces the camera animation between the selected hop and the following hop.
Standalone: Traces the camera animation between the selected hop and the following hop.
General: Defines the tracing parameters.
Smooth Camera Position (%): Smoothens camera position path.
Smooth Camera Direction (%): Smoothens camera direction path.
Start Hop: Selects a hop in the Navigator animation. The camera trace is inserted between the selected hop and the next one.
Update Hop Data: Updates data in NavFinder plug-ins where the camera trace is inserted (actually sets start and end values of the tracing route to insert camera trace smoothly to the Navigator animation).
Locks: Enables the user to lock camera animation parameters:
Lock Pan: Makes the camera pan to follow the path direction when set to
. When setOff
, pan animation uses the Navigator parameters.Pan Offset: Sets the pan offset to path directions.
Lock Tilt: Makes the camera tilt follow the path direction when set to
. When setOff
, tilt animation uses the Navigator parameters.Tilt Offset: Sets the tilt offset to path directions.
Lock Distance: Uses the Distance parameter value to set the camera distance from the map during the animation when set to
. When set toOff
, the distance during the animation uses the Navigator parameters.Distance: Sets the distance to use during the animation.
Segmentation: Tells the Trace It plug-in what segment to track when a line is split into different segments (for example a region might have several islands) when tracking. Available options are Auto, Largest, Sectioned and All.
IMPORTANT! Maximum number of line segments are 10000
. Shape files that exceed this limit results in lines not being drawn.
Overlay: Transfers the object from a position on the actual map to a position in a different camera (similar to the Label It plug-in’s Overlay options).
Note: Shape to Spline has no button for controlling splitting dateline (whereas 3D Line uses Enable World Periodicity).