
The System Time plug-in creates a variety of time and date settings based on the system time. 

System Time adheres to the standard  IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Ed.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Tools

System Time Properties

  • format (aAbBcdDHIijlmMpSUwWxXyYzZ/:,.): Sets the format of the system time.

  • Language: Sets the language format of the system time. Options:

    • Default (system specific)

    • English

    • German

    • Norwegian

  • Seconds offset from system clock: Sets the number of seconds the system clock should be offset (default is 0).

  • Hours offset from system clock: Sets the number of hours the system clock should be offset (default is 0).

  • System time zone: Sets the system time zone.

  • Show Time Zone: Shows the result of the system time zone.

  • Lower Case Text: Shows all text in lower case.

Time Zone: tzn[+|-] hh[:mm[:ss] ] [dzn]

  • tzn: Time zone name (for example, PST).

  • hh,mm,ss: Offsets from the local timezone to UTC (not the reverse).

    • For time zones ahead of the set one, the time difference is negative.

    • For time zones behind the set one, the time difference is positive.

  • dzn: Daylight-saving-time zone (for example, PDT).


See Also