Graphic Hub Release Notes

Version 3.9 | Published January 25, 2024 ©

Graphic Hub Release Notes

Graphic Hub 3.9.2

Release Date: 2024-01-25

These are the release notes for Graphic Hub version 3.9.2 and its components. This section describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 3.9.1. Since Graphic Hub and the set of components around it are all maintained and released together, this release includes:

  • Graphic Hub 3.9.2 with Graphic Hub Terminal 3.9.1 (VizGraphicHub-x64-, VizGraphicHubBundle-x64-

  • Graphic Hub REST 2.9.2 (VizGHREST-x64-

  • Graphic Hub Deploy Agent 2.9.2 (VizGHDeployAgent-x64-

  • Graphic Hub Manager 5.9.2 (VizGHManager-x64-

  • Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.2 (VizGHImexAgent-x64-

New Features and Improvements


  • Security: Enabled and applied continuous CVE monitoring of all used third party components used in all Graphic Hub applications through Synopsys Black Duck Software Composition Analysis.

Graphic Hub 3.9.2

  • Improved logging related to Image Library data loading and processing (VIZGH-8111).

Graphic Hub REST 2.9.2

  • Added support for Viz Engine file types FILE_COLLECTION and BINARY_BLOB stored on Graphic Hub in Graphic Hub REST APIs (VIZGH-8180). They are listed in the service document and supported in opensearch and files feed filtering.

  • Upgraded library used for DXT compression during image import (VIZGH-8969, VIZGH-8966, VIZGH-8967).

  • Upgraded library used for multipart form data parsing of requests (VIZGH-8947, VIZGH-8949).

Graphic Hub Manager 5.9.2

  • Reduced archive import duration for certain archives when importing an archive with right click on the Graphic Hub or with the import archive context menu (VIZGH-8971). For certain archives, the import duration was reduced to 15-20% (10 minutes instead of 60 minutes) compared to older versions.

  • Upgraded library used for DXT compression during image import (VIZGH-8968, VIZGH-8966, VIZGH-8967).

Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.2

  • Graphic Hub Image Library Extension:

    • Changed interface to provide user feedback and highlight the save button when there are unsaved changes in the metadata editing Web-UI (VIZGH-8187).

    • Added proper feedback on save failure or when mandatory fields are not filled in the image Library Payload Editor. In addition, added feedback on invalid data entry and unsaved changes (VIZGH-8008, VIZGH-8156, VIZGH-8166).

    • Added display of proper warning and error messages when Image Library was disabled on Graphic Hub (failed to load, license missing), ImEx Agent is not connected to Graphic Hub or The Web-UI lost connection to the ImEx Agent (VIZGH-8110, VIZGH-8117, VIZGH-8120).

    • Removed drop database functionality until this is protected by an authorization mechanism (VIZGH-8092, VIZGH-8089).

Resolved Issues

Issues of previous versions that this version solves.

Graphic Hub 3.9.2

  • Important: Fixed an issue on Graphic Hub where the Image Library functionality gets disabled until a restart when deleting a lot of images from the Image Library (VIZGH-8121, VIZGH-8195, VIZGH-8198).

  • Fixed a possible unexpected termination when Graphic Hub shuts down during startup (VIZGH-8165). This can happen when ports are already used, the naming service is not running or permission related issues occur.

Graphic Hub REST 2.9.2

  • Important: Fixed an issue where imported images that generate import warnings may get flipped on import (VIZGH-8200).

  • Fixed an issue where the monitor endpoint/metadata/monitor and the Web-UI report the wrong Graphic Hub in rare cases when switching to a failover Graphic Hub or between main and replication (VIZGH-8078). The session was connected to the correct Graphic Hub, but the information reported by Graphic Hub REST was incorrect.

  • Fixed an issue when the Graphic Hub session is disconnected and improved switching time and session cleanup (VIZGH-8206).

Graphic Hub Manager 5.9.2

  • Fixed an issue where exported archives may get corrupted during export in rare cases and may cause a crash on import and/or files not being imported (VIZGH-8193).

Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.2

  • Important: Fixed a possible crash of the ImEx Agent Service and a subsequent restart when deleting a lot of images from the Image Library (VIZGH-8121).

  • Fixed missing application icon in the list of processes (VIZGH-8098).

  • Fixed empty asset names in Media Sequencer created availability reports (VIZGH-8094).

  • Fixed an issue where the image library distribution plan returns an error on the API (VIZGH-8136).

  • Fixed an invalid link relation and category term in the distribution plan API for the image library distribution plan (VIZGH-8153).

  • Fixed an issue where certain requests to the REST API that produce an error generate a viz::error XML response instead of an annotated payload (VIZGH-8218). the effect is that the error is not shown properly in the Web-UI.

  • Fixed an issue where an unspecified error is reported when the root "data" project is not existing (VIZGH-8215).

  • Graphic Hub Image Library Extension:

    • Important: Fixed a freezing issue where the Web-UI became unresponsive and required a reload (VIZGH-8091, VIZGH-8100).

    • Important: Fixed metadata entry for persons, organizations and additional fields with multiple values (VIZGH-8099, VIZGH-8138, VIZGH-8156).

    • Important: Fixed searching by date ranges in Director, which returned no results without a date range and showed different behavior compared to a Pilot Data Server open search endpoint (VIZGH-8106).

    • Important: Fixed an issue where searching for UTF-8 characters did not work (VIZGH-8179).

    • Important: Fixed an issue where the Image Library extension cannot be used when the Admin password is changed (VIZGH-8210).

    • Fixed an issue where not required metadata fields were missing on the Ingest page (VIZGH-8084, VIZGH-8156). All metadata fields are shown again on the Ingest page.

    • Fixed an issue where overwritten images were not staged to the Graphic Hub on the next scan and not immediately and no update was sent to the Web-UI (VIZGH-8178).

    • Fixed an issue on the Oracle import view when selecting all assets (after fetching data from Oracle) and then selecting only the current page kept all assets selected (VIZGH-8076).

    • Fixed an issue where the expiration date on staged images in the destination directory (publishing point) on the Graphic Hub did not work (VIZGH-8112). All files in the destination directory on the Graphic Hub that are not in the Image Library get marked for deletion by setting an expiration date. Those files will be cleaned up properly now when the expired items cleanup task is enabled in Graphic Hub Terminal.

    • Fixed an issue where the title of the selected item in the main view was not updated properly when editing the title in the metadata editor (VIZGH-8115, VIZGH-8156).

    • Fixed an issue where the number of selected items might not be updated properly in the pagination indicator or the selection resets when switching between pages (VIZGH-8135, VIZGH-8167).

    • Fixed an issue where the Web-UI did not receive updates when using an empty database (VIZGH-8137).

    • Fixed an issue where an empty page was shown after deletion, which required to selecting the main view or a different page to show content again (VIZGH-8151).

    • Fixed an issue where the server selection field remained selected and open in the admin view until clicking somewhere else (VIZGH-8155).

    • Fixed an issue where HTML was rendered in the advanced search view for the parsed search query (VIZGH-8159).

    • Fixed the list of file extensions allowed in the file browser dialog opened by the browser when ingesting (VIZGH-8160).

    • Fixed an issue where a deleted image was still shown in the main view when it was selected (VIZGH-8162).

    • Fixed an issue where ingesting of images with drag and drop did not work for an empty image library (VIZGH-8174).

    • Fixed an issue where the replace button in the metadata editor was occasionally disabled (VIZGH-8177).

    • Fixed an issue during Graphic Hub connection failover between main and replication and improved switching time and session cleanup (VIZGH-8206). In addition, fixed a rare case where a session disconnection could result in broken image library functionality that required a Graphic Hub ImEx Agent restart to recover.

    • Fixed an issue where empty entries are shown in the Web-UI during deletion of many images (VIZGH-8192).

    • Fixed an issue where warnings shown during import blocked proper usage of the search field (VIZGH-8940).

    • Fixed an issue where select all may not working properly in search results that only have one page of search results (VIZGH-8217).

Changes to Existing Features

Improvements/changes to existing features and changed behavior compared with previous versions.

  • In Graphic Hub REST 2.9.2 and Graphic Hub Manager 5.9.2 the library used for DXT compression applied during image import was upgraded. This can lead to minor differences and a different checksum of the imported image compared to older versions of Graphic Hub REST and Graphic Hub Manager.

Graphic Hub 3.9.1

Release Date: 2023-09-26

These are the release notes for Graphic Hub version 3.9.1 and its components. This section describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 3.9.0. Since Graphic Hub and the set of components around it are all maintained and released together, this release includes:

  • Graphic Hub 3.9.1 with Graphic Hub Terminal 3.9.1 (VizGraphicHub-x64-, VizGraphicHubBundle-x64-

  • Graphic Hub REST 2.9.1 (VizGHREST-x64-

  • Graphic Hub Deploy Agent 2.9.1 (VizGHDeployAgent-x64-

  • Graphic Hub Manager 5.9.1 (VizGHManager-x64-

  • Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.1 (VizGHImexAgent-x64-

Resolved Issues

Issues of previous versions that this version solves.

Graphic Hub 3.9.1

  • Important: Fixed issues in the image library database startup logic for existing, old and new data directories (VIZGH-7834, VIZGH-8095). The issue could be observed on image ingest, where images did not show up after upload or in search. Sorting may not work as expected. Updates of metadata were not reflected in search results.

    • Affects Graphic Hub

Graphic Hub REST 2.9.1

  • Important: Fixed an issue in a response used for ImEx Agent distribution plan monitoring (VIZGH-8096).

    • Affects Graphic Hub REST

Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.1

  • Important: Fixed an issue where Media Sequencer created distribution plans fail to report the asset import status. As a consequence, the Media Sequencer sends the image URL instead of the image UUID to Viz Engine (VIZGH-8081).

    • Affects Graphic Hub ImEx Agent Available as Graphic Hub ImEx Agent Hotfix version, released on 2023-09-19.

  • Important: Fixed an issue where distribution plan assets are not staged/imported anymore and reported with status "Uploaded media asset not accessible" (VIZGH-8096).

    • Affects Graphic Hub ImEx Agent

Graphic Hub 3.9.0

Release Date: 2023-09-11

These are the release notes for Graphic Hub version 3.9.0 and its components. This section describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 3.8.0. Since Graphic Hub and the set of components around it are all maintained and released together, this release includes:

  • Graphic Hub 3.9.0 with Graphic Hub Terminal 3.9.0 (VizGraphicHub-x64-, VizGraphicHubBundle-x64-

  • Graphic Hub REST 2.9.0 (VizGHREST-x64-

  • Graphic Hub Deploy Agent 2.9.0 (VizGHDeployAgent-x64-

  • Graphic Hub Manager 5.9.0 (VizGHManager-x64-

  • Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.0 (VizGHImexAgent-x64-

New Features and Improvements


  • Security: Upgrade of core third party libraries to latest versions (ACE+TAO, GraphicsMagick, ZLIB, OpenEXR, Imath) and compiler used (MSVC 2022, toolchain v143, C++17) for all Graphic Hub components (VIZGH-7678, VIZGH-7890, VIZGH-7931, VIZGH-7889, VIZGH-7985).

Graphic Hub Image Library Extension

  • Ingest

    • Ability to open a file browsing dialog in addition to drag and drop (VIZGH-7858).

    • Overwriting of existing images with a dialog and drag and drop (VIZGH-7921, VIZGH-7922).

      • In view metadata / details.

      • In Main view.

    • Added TGA and TIFF image format import (VIZGH-7901).

    • Pre-fill required metadata fields with file name to reduce user interaction on ingest.

    • Show a warning and visual feedback for images that may have issues on import and may look different after importing when shown in Viz Engine (for example, color profile incompatibilities) and proper error messages when the import fails or is successful (VIZGH-7913, VIZGH-7882).

  • Search

    • New ordering capabilities by Title, Upload Date, Last updated and ability to order ascending or descending (VIZGH-7825).

    • Automatically fix search indices on upgrade or manually started index rebuild (VIZGH-7873).

    • Advanced search settings with (VIZGH-7875, VIZGH-7829, VIZGH-7876).

      • Multi word search by using double quotes and wildcard search for single characters "?" and multiple characters "*".

      • Date range search start date and end date of file upload or updated date.

      • Search for UUID with "{uuid}".

  • Usability and User Experience

    • New high resolution image preview dialog using the full viewport that allows zooming with the mouse wheel and shows the zoom level percentage (VIZGH-7944).

    • Improve behavior, detection and messages when there is no Graphic Hub connection, the connection is reestablished, a license is missing or there exists a configuration issue (VIZGH-7867, VIZGH-7881, VIZGH-7816, VIZGH-7982, VIZGH-7972).

    • Notification dialog when unsaved changes would get lost and the ability to save or discard the unsaved changes (VIZGH-7920).

    • Improved status messages behavior and display. Show action and progress bar to be on every page (VIZGH-7868).

    • Improved page layout, styling and design consistency (VIZGH-7918, VIZGH-7783, VIZGH-7780).

    • Remember settings, states and preferences in local browser cache (VIZGH-7936).

    • Improvements when dynamically resizing the screen and for small screen sizes in portrait layout (VIZGH-7918, VIZGH-7930).

      • The top menu gets a menu button and is faded in from the left.

      • Proper grid and result resizing of images in the main view and search results.

    • Internal image properties are now shown in a popup window and use less space (VIZGH-7914).

  • Administration

    • Newly created and simplified pages for administration of database lock state, index validation and synchronization (VIZGH-7823)

    • Duplicates page can now list all duplicates and allows editing of metadata (VIZGH-7896, VIZGH-7754)

  • Major performance improvements

    • Improved ImEx Agent distribution plan initialization and loading time, especially on startup and in error scenarios (VIZGH-7861, VIZGH-7872, VIZGH-7961, VIZGH-7861, VIZGH-7872). Startup was reduced on large distribution plans (with, for example, 500000 images) from 30+ minutes to below five minutes.

    • Searching, ordering, filtering (VIZGH-7915).

    • Indexing and in memory operations (VIZGH-7764, VIZGH-7945).

    • Import of existing VOS data from Oracle/network share with many images (VIZGH-7764, VIZGH-7935).

    • Queries and changes of metadata (VIZGH-7857, VIZGH-7893).

    • Image ingest and parallel write operations (VIZGH-7935, VIZGH-7945).

    • Heavily reduced CPU and memory usage of Graphic Hub ImEx Agent (VIZGH-7953).

    • Optimized search when searching without a search term (all results) (VIZGH-7877).

Those features and improvements require Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.0, Graphic Hub REST 3.9.0 and Graphic Hub 3.9.0. See Graphic Hub Administrator Guide > Image Library Extension for details.

Graphic Hub 3.9.0

  • Security: Encrypt Graphic Hub user passwords in persistent storage (VIZGH-5956).

  • Upgraded to CodeMeter Runtime 7.60a in Graphic Hub Bundle Installer (VIZGH-7977).

  • Keep the log file open and do not open and close it on every log message written (VIZGH-7870).

  • Improved and more logging of Image Library Extension related data (VIZGH-7941).

Graphic Hub REST 2.9.0

  • Improved retrieval of metadata required by ImEx Agent distribution plans that improved performance in distribution plan initialization (VIZGH-7861).

  • Improved overview and made status page more intuitive by removing the Graphic Hub status to avoid confusion (VIZGH-8016).

Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.0

  • Security: Improved security in REST API for CORS requests (VIZGH-7809).

  • New configuration options for Graphic Hub connection timeouts (VIZGH-7933, VIZGH-7963, VIZGH-7964).

  • Improved error handling and logging in certain scenarios when assets transition through the staging process (VIZGH-8030).

Changes to Existing Features

Improvements/changes to existing features and changed behavior compared with previous versions.

Upcoming Breaking Changes or Deprecated Functionality


Resolved Issues

Issues of previous versions that this version solves.


Graphic Hub Image Library Extension

  • Some PNG images with minor issues (for example, invalid color lookup table, invalid chromatics) could not be imported correctly (VIZGH-7856).

  • Image metadata property "File name" is not preserved when ingesting (VIZGH-7796).

  • Fixed pagination issues on main view and for search results view (VIZGH-7939).

  • Allow to copy text from Status UIs (for example, error messages) (VIZGH-7859).

  • Viz Pilot Director using Image Library Extension search provider.

    • Fixed an issue where it was not able to search with a date range (VIZGH-7830).

    • Fixed an issue where it was not able to search with no search input (VIZGH-7831). Searches now for all "*" images without an input.

    • Fixed an issue where an error is shown, as the model is required in the payloads (VIZGH-7832).

    • Fixed an issue where searching for tags that did not work properly for any and deny, which were disabled (VIZGH-8032).

  • Fixed an issue where searching for a person did not work for newly imported persons (VIZGH-7838).

  • Fixed issues where searching with Unicode characters did not work as expected (VIZGH-7844).

  • Fixed issues in image metadata search not returning expected results due to broken indices (VIZGH-7849).

  • Fixed unexpected search results after editing person metadata (VIZGH-7869).

  • Fixed an issue where person metadata is not displayed properly when switching to an image with no person metadata data (VIZGH-7860).

  • Fixed an issue where adding organization metadata to a new record caused an error (VIZGH-7862).

  • Fixed an issue where Tags are not indexed or saved properly and exposed in the search provider after adding or updating the metadata (VIZGH-7850, VIZGH-8038).

  • Fixed an issue in the search provider where Pilot Edge failed to display image metadata due to an incorrect model (VIZGH-7929).

  • Fixed an issue when hovering over items in the main view (VIZGH-7938).

  • Fixed an issue with import state that caused images to get stuck and not uploaded (VIZGH-8015).

  • Fixed issues when a license is missing, especially on a main and replication setup (VIZGH-8015).

  • Fixed an issue where the Web-UI got unresponsive after searching (VIZGH-7994).

Those fixes require Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.0, Graphic Hub REST 3.9.0 and Graphic Hub 3.9.0. See Graphic Hub Administrator Guide > Image Library Extension for details.

Graphic Hub 3.9.0

  • Important: Fixed broken shared memory synchronization between Viz Engine instances through the Graphic Hub (VIZGH-7834). Affects Graphic Hub 3.8.0.

  • Important: Graphic Hub server shutdown notifications are not send to clients (VIZGH-7928). Affects Graphic Hub 3.8.0.

  • Important: Fixed a possible crash on shutdown (VIZGH-7864). Affects Graphic Hub 3.8.0.

  • Important: Fixed a Viz Pilot Data parsing issue with descriptions that contain one or more single quotes only (VIZGH-7947).

  • Important: Fixed an issue when shutting down a cluster where an emergency shutdown was performed instead of a regular shutdown (VIZGH-7906).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where group and file in folder change notifications are not sent anymore, which caused issues in deploy tasks (VIZGH-7981). Affects Graphic Hub 3.8.0.

  • Important: Fixed an issue where clients are not switching correctly to the partner server after a shutdown (VIZGH-8024, VIZGH-8020).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where startup fails with certain image library data directories (VIZGH-8037).

  • Fixed an error when opening files that have more than 3000 references (VIZGH-7997). When using the Viz Artist/Engine Unreal Project Sync to Graphic Hub with a File Collection it is highly recommended to upgrade to this version.

  • Fixed an issue that caused problems for existing sessions by sending a many chat messages when the Graphic Hub is running in read only mode when the disk with the data directory has no space left (VIZGH-7955).

Graphic Hub Terminal 3.9.0

  • Fixed an issue where the log showed several warnings with a WIBU container containing Graphic Hub licenses that is stored in a local file and exposed through Code Meter as network container (VIZGH-7840).

Graphic Hub REST 2.9.0

  • Important: Fixed an issue of the Graphic Hub REST service where shut down got stuck and required the service to be terminated (VIZGH-8013).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where failover to the partner server may require a long time in case of main server failure (VIZGH-8020).

  • Fixed a wrongly used namespace in the category of the atom entries of the OpenSearch feed (VIZGH-7897).

Graphic Hub Deploy Agent 2.9.0

  • Important: Fixed a Viz Pilot Data synchronization issue in the Viz Pilot Deploy task that could result in an endless loop when the source and destination cannot be brought in synch (VIZGH-7947).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where failover to the partner server may require a long time in case of main server failure (VIZGH-8020).

Graphic Hub Manager 5.9.0

  • Important: Fixed a Viz Pilot Data synchronization issue in the Viz Pilot Data differences dialog that could result in an endless loop when the source and destination cannot be brought in synch (VIZGH-7947).

  • Important: Fixed several possible crashes when (for example, searching multiple times when logged in to more than one Graphic Hub and when closing Graphic Hub Manager) (VIZGH-7969).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where failover to the partner server may require a long time in case of main server failure (VIZGH-8020).

  • Fixed a warning when shutting down a cluster stating that the shutdown failed (VIZGH-7906).

  • Fixed an issue in search panel, where controls in the search in advanced properties section were not initialized properly and enabled disabled for single Graphic Hub search (VIZGH-7970, VIZGH-7973).

Graphic Hub ImEx Agent 2.1.0

  • Important: Fixed an issue where adding Pre-Authenticated hosts failed (VIZGH-7740, VIZGH-7863).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where images staged through Media Sequencer may be imported over and over again, causing high disk usage (VIZGH-7839).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where a distribution plan with many images (for example, from Image Library Extension) can fill up all free space on the C:\ drive (temporary folder location) when staging images into the Graphic Hub (VIZGH-7842).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where distribution plan content is downloaded again on large distribution plans (VIZGH-7971).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where ImEx Agent got unresponsive and stopped downloading assets, which required a restart of the service (VIZGH-8031).

  • Important: Fixed an issue of the ImEx Agent service where it got stuck on shutdown or upgrades (VIZGH-8028).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where failover to the partner server may require a long time in case of main server failure (VIZGH-8020).

  • Important: Fixed an issue where asset entries may get added multiple times to a distribution plan, especially for watch folder use cases when overwriting images (VIZGH-7984).

  • Fixed an issue where assets were not restaged to Graphic Hub when deleted from Graphic Hub or when a data directory is changed on the Graphic Hub (VIZGH-7975).

  • Fixed an issue where report generation failed (VIZGH-7843).

  • Fixed not displayed asset names in distribution plan availability reports (VIZGH-7874).

  • Fixed an issue where images are not imported from the watchfolder and get stuck in the distribution plan (VIZGH-7986).

  • Fixed an issue where Graphic Hub ImEx Agent Service does not shut down when a stop is requested (VIZGH-7820).

Known Limitations

Please refer to Known Limitations, Problems and Workarounds and Frequently Asked Questions the Graphic Hub Administrator Guide for a collection of topics. In the same section of the documentation a summary of troubleshooting topics can be found too.

This software requires a license for certain modes in order to operate. See Licensing the Graphic Hub in the Graphic Hub Administrator Guide for details.

Installation/Upgrade Special Considerations

Graphic Hub 3.9.0 performs an index rebuild of Image Library extension data when upgrading, which can take several minutes.

The MSI installers require that you should close any running Graphic Hub programs and uninstall existing installations before you upgrade.

Prior to installation the following prerequisites are required for all Graphic Hub applications:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.0 (or newer):

  • Visual Studio 2010 x64 redistributable (installed by the Graphic Hub bundle installer)

  • Visual Studio 2015-2022 x64 redistributable (installed by the Graphic Hub bundle installer)

Hardware and Software Compatibility

For details on hardware, operating systems and browser requirements please refer to the System Requirements in the Graphic Hub Administrator Guide.

For details on compatibility when the Graphic Hub is used as a Viz Pilot data back end, see Viz Pilot Database Management in the Graphic Hub Administrator Guide.


Documentation for Graphic Hub is available at the Vizrt Documentation Center:


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.