Datacenter User Guide

Version 2.1 | Published April 03, 2024 ©

Generic TCP Output

To create an output of type Generic TCP, add a new output and click on the new entry.

On the dialog that appears, select Generic TCP in the Type field, and fill all other fields as required:


  • Name: Name of the output and that is displayed in the output list.

  • Host: Host address.

  • Port: The port to connect to.

A generic TCP output sends the data entries with the following format:

"type": "data",
"payload": {
"key": "entry_key",
"value": "entry_value"

A ping packet is also sent regularly to test the connection. This packet can be ignored by the receiver:

"type": "ping",
"payload": null

A TCP output is used to send data to Viz Libero. To learn more about configuring Viz Libero to accept incoming data from Datacenter, please refer to the Configuring Output section of this manual.