Status: Enables or disables the Tracking panel.
Enabled Inputs: Sets the number of objects that can be tracked contemporarily.
Viz Engine: Select the Viz Engine, already pre-configured in the Profiles tab, that the Object Tracker uses as source.
Server Port: Sets the port where the Viz Object Tracker is listening.
Input Key: Select (from a list) or modify the key to use to retrieve the textures for the Object Tracker.
Sync Key: Viz Engine's SHM master sync key. The default is viz_engine_SHMsync.
Tracking Hub
Maximum Delay |Fields|: Texture delay set in the Engine, the delta fields between this value and the processing time is handled by the Object Tracker.
Texture Asset: Texture to delay; this parameter is automatically filled when the Input Key is selected from the list.
GPU: Zero-based index representing GPU affinity where the Viz Object Tracker does parts of the AI computation. This applies only to multi GPU systems.
represents the fist GPU,1
the second etc.Filter overlapping BB: Ignores bounding boxed that overlap to a certain extend with a larger bounding box.
Overwrite Previous Tracking: Overwrites the currently selected tracker when selecting a bounding box that is already assigned to a different tracker, if enabled.
Cut Detection: When a hard cut is detected, all current trackers are lost.
Tracked Objects Alpha: Sets the transparency of the bounding boxes of the detected objects.
Show Tracked Objects IDs: Hides/shows the objects IDs when the detection is running, for debug purposes.
Show Tracked Objects Scores: Hides/shows the objects scores when a detection (Detection and Tracking, Face and Pose) is running, for debug purposes.
Pointer Offset: Enables the possibility to draw an offset to apply to the pointer.
Keep Previous Valid Offset: Applies the the last valid offset each time you click on a new object when active. Otherwise, the offset you draw each time is applied.