This section describes how to create a flipping carousel template scene in Viz Artist.

Tip: A copy of the flipping carousel template scene has already been created and can be imported by following the steps in To Import Viz Artist 3 Example Scenes.

When finished with the steps in this section, this template scene is used by the flipping carousel background scene. The Toggle plug-in in the background scene makes it possible to add text message templates to the carousel.

To Get Started

  • Create a new scene named tutorial-flipping-template.

  • Open the new scene.

To Add a Group

  • Add a new Group to the scene tree. 

  • Rename it to object.


Note: All flipping carousel template scenes must have a root container named object.

To Add the ControlObject Plug-in

Drag the ControlObject plug-in to the object container (found in Plugins (/Built Ins) > Container Plugins > Control, sorted as "Object"). Placing the control plug-in on the root container optimizes the process, as the whole template scene tree is copied when a new template is added, and the root container is the first one to be scanned.

In the ControlObject Editor:

  • Enable Transition Logic.

  • Set the Layer identifier to Tutorial. The layer identifier refers to the layer director in the flipping carousel background scene.

Tip: The layer identifier should consist of alphanumeric characters only. For more details, see Global Conventions.

  • Set the State identifier to Headlines. The state identifier refers to the in state stop point.

Tip: The state identifier should consist of alphanumeric characters only. For more details, see Global Conventions.

  • Set the Background scene to tutorial-flipping-back.

  • Set the Description to simple text message. The description is used when selecting templates in Viz Ticker Wizard and Viz Ticker Client.

To Add a Font

  • Drag a font to the scene tree, for example Arial-Black, and place it as a subcontainer of object in the scene tree.

  • Rename the new container to text.

  • Open the text container’s Transformation Editor and set the Scaling to X,Y,Z= 0.2.

    With this size, the text fits the background.

To Add a Material

Add a material, for example orange (R= 255, G= 102, B= 0), to the text container. If no color is added, the font inherits the color of the container holding the Toggle plug-in in the background scene.

To Add the ControlText Plug-in

  • Drag the ControlText plug-in to the text container (found in Plugins (/Built Ins) > Container Plugins > Control, sorted as "Text").

  • In the ControlText Editor, make sure that the Expose kerning option is disabled.

  • Disable Use formatted text.

  • Type Hi there! in the Input value text box. The scene tree now has the following appearance:

To Fine Tune the Position of the Template

  • Open the object container’s Transformation Editor and set the Axis Center to Y= Center.

When changing the axis center, the position changes too.

  • Reset the Position to Y= 0. These changes put the center of the template scene in the center of the Toggle plug-in placeholder container.

To Save the Scene

The template scene is now finished. Click the Save button.