
  • Media Sequencer must be installed on the computer hosting Viz Multiplay.
  • A Viz Multiplay-licensed Media Sequencer is required on the server machine. If there is no valid license on the server machine, a warning message appears, which is shown every 20 minutes.
  • Media Sequencer must be running before installation, since Media Sequencer acts as a web server for Viz Multiplay.
  • Check the Video Wall Configuration section in the Viz Engine manual to ensure that your setup is working properly. See the Release Notes for more on components and versions.


  • Run the installer on the computer running Media Sequencer. The installer looks for the Media Sequencer file location and adds Viz Multiplay to the www/app folder, making it accessible from this URL: http://localhost:8580/app/vizmultiplay/vizmultiplay.html.

  • The installer also places a shortcut in the Desktop, with the above mentioned URL. This should be updated for different reasons:
    • If Viz Multiplay should be accessed on a different host or port, this shortcut must be updated with the correct target (for example, for secure configuration: https://[mse-host]:8543/app/vizmultiplay/vizmultiplay.html).
    • If Viz Multiplay is hosted on the local machine, it is still recommended that we use the actual machine name instead of "localhost".
  • To use the video wall feature, a Viz archive called multiplay_scenes.via is distributed with the installer. This must be imported into a Graphic Hub to be available for the Viz Engine during playout. This archive contains the DynamicChannels and StillAndVideo scene, and Superchannel_still scene.

  • The default installation location is: <MEDIA_SEQUENCER_URL>\www\app\vizmultiplay. For example: %ProgramFiles%\Vizrt\Media Sequencer\www\app\vizmultiplay.
  • The default location is recommended, but can be configured if required.

Connecting to Different Media Sequencers

Media sequencer stores all playlists and shows and makes them available to all control applications connected to it. Viz Multiplay and other control clients (such as Viz Trio) must be connected to the same Media Sequencer (MSE) in order to share a show. Viz Multiplay can be hosted on one Media Sequencer and connected to another Media Sequencer by adding the URL parameter mse=<host> to the URL:


This section covers the following topics: