Monitoring Takes and Channel Branding

Channel Branding Client

Channel Deck

Channel Deck displays the contents of a playlist.



NDI player stream


Display name (set during connection)

The Display name component is a button that can toggle error and warning messages if there are any


Playlist that presents a list of primary events


Primary event


Primary event description


Primary event planned take time


List of secondary events

Each event shows:

  • Planned take time in relation to the primary planned take time (see item 6)

  • Secondary event description

ON AIR Status

Image of a primary event header

When a take is started, the timer on the right side of the primary event header switches to "ON AIR", indicating that the primary is now in progress.

The progress bar tracks how much of a primary event has been completed, and how much is left. 

Monitoring Errors and Warnings

Errors present in the Channel Branding Client will be directly reflected in Channel Deck.

Two levels should be taken into account:





When a channel view and a primary event have red borders, an error is present in a primary that is currently being played out and needs to be addressed urgently.


When a channel view and a primary event have yellow borders, it means that primaries that are planned for take or have been played out, contain errors and should be addressed before a take.

Three example images of primaries with errors and warnings:

  1. An ON AIR primary, and a planned take of a primary in a warning state with a warning message "Timecode is missing"

    The "Display name" can be pressed to present or hide the error/warning log 

  2. An ON AIR primary in error state

  3. Primary finishes its take and the error returns to a warning