The WordCloud plug-in reads an XML file to create word cloud type visualizations.
WordCloud allows users to read items from the DataHub that are compatible with the plug-in.
Note: This plug-in must be placed on top of a text geometry.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> SocialTV
Examples are feeds from Dizplai World Cloud, Spredfast Top Terms, etc. The plug-in then visualizes the data in the form of a Word Cloud.
WordCloud is compatible with Dizplai’s XML format, but it can read any XML in the following structure:
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
<field name=
WordCloud Properties
Font Type: Regular Complex
DataHub Host: (Deprecated) Defines the hostname of the DataHub to communicate with.
DataHub Port: (Deprecated) Sets the port for connecting to the DataHub. The default is
.DP Field Name: Returns data to this field.
Load Automatically: Retrieves data automatically from the DataHub at determined intervals.
Group Name: Includes messages that come from specific groups.
Source Name: Includes messages that come from specific sources.
Provider Name: Includes messages that come from a specific provider (for example Facebook, Twitter etc.).
Free Text Search: Searches messages for text included in this parameter.
Disable Sort:
Custom Sort: Sorts retrieved data by the selected parameter.
All: Loads all messages.
Approved: Loads approved messages.
Rejected: Loads the rejected messages.
Filter Rejected:
Favorites: Includes the messages from the Favorites group.
Area Width: Determines the width of the word cloud text region.
Area Height: Determines the height of the word cloud text region.
Margin: Determines the margin around the word cloud text region.
Layout: Creates either a square or round word cloud layout.
Seed: Applies some randomization value to the layout of words.
Number of Words: Limits the number of words to use in the Word Cloud visualization (uses the highest volume words).
Color: Applies an image for coloring each word in the cloud when set to
.Shared Memory: Scene, Global, Distributed.
Scale Ranks: Allows scaling words based on ranking.
Clip Ranks: Allows clipping words with a value lower or higher than what is defined in the plug-in.
Render Bounding Boxes: Renders the bounding box.