
The Spline Path plug-in creates complex paths with an arrow look.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Geom plug-ins -> Default

Spline Path Properties

  • use LOD: Enables/disables dynamic level of detail.

  • Node: Defines the node index. For example, node 3 or node 25.

  • X, Y and Z: Sets the 3D point to define a node.

  • Length: Stretches the entire path in X-direction.

  • Width: Stretches the entire path in Y-direction.

  • Threshold: Increase this value if you do not need a high path accuracy but more performance.

  • Add, Move, Remove and Clear: Add adds a new node with an specific index. Move moves an existing node to another X, Y or Z-point. Remove removes an existing node. Clear clears all nodes.

  • Mode: The following options are available:

    • Tube: Renders the entire object.

    • Band XY: Renders only the front side.

    • Band XZ: Renders only the top side.

    • Band YZ: Renders only the left side.

  • Arrow: Creates an array look.

  • Arrow Length: Sets the arrow length (only when Arrow is set to On).

  • Arrow Width: Sets the arrow width (only when Arrow is set to On).

  • Texture Stretching Mode: 

To Create a Spline Path

  1. Create a new group container.

  2. Add the Spline Path plug-in.

  3. Add the Expert plug-in.

  4. Open the Expert editor.

  5. Set Back Face to On.

  6. Add a Material and/or a Texture to the group.

  7. Open the Spline Path editor.

  8. Set Node to 0X to 50.0Y to 50.0.

  9. Click Add.

  10. Set Node to 1X to 150.0Y to 25.0.

  11. Click Add.

  12. Set Node to 2X to 250.0Y to 10.0.

  13. Click Add.

  14. Set Node to 3X to 350.0Y to 45.0.

  15. Click Add.