The Pyramid Control plug-in sorts overlapped layers of pyramids in the scene.
This is so tiles with higher resolution are not hidden by tiles with lower resolution.
Note: The plug-in must be located in the hierarchy of Map Tiler.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Geometry plug-ins -> Maps
Pyramid Control Properties
Fade Tiles: Applies a fade animation to each tile level based on the distance to the hop when enabled.
Start/End Fade (%): Sets the distance (percentage) to the hop for starting and ending the fade when Fade Tiles is enabled.
Bind to Hop: Synchronizes the visibility of pyramids based on the hop that they belong to when enabled. When disabled (default), the pyramids are shown based on the highest resolution available throughout the entire scene.
Note: When using Control MultiHop, the Bind To Hop property is set to Enabled by default.
Pyramid Fade Start (%): Determines the duration that the pyramids are fully visible, in percentage of total hop time.
Target Fade Start (%): Determines the duration that the target image are fully visible, in percentage of total hop time.
Pyramid Fade Length (%): Determines the time taken for pyramids to fade, in percentage of total hop time.
Target Fade Length (%): Determines the time taken for target to fade, in percentage of total hop time.
RenderTile: Selects which pyramid image to display, from all the pyramid levels. Used mainly for debugging the graphics.
Wire Frame: Shows the pyramids in wire frame mode, to help understand the coverage of the pyramids. Used mainly for debugging the graphics.
Show Bounding Boxes: Renders the bounding box of the pyramids.
Refresh All Pyramids (button): Forces a refresh of all pyramids for all hops in the scene.