The Light (V4) plug-in adds a new Viz Engine light onto a container.

More detailed information about how to use Lights in Viz is available at Light and Shadows in Viz in the Viz Artist User Guide.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Global

Compatibility Info: This plug-in works in the Viz Engine Render Pipeline only!

Light (V4) Properties

  • Light Type: Selects what kind of light is applied to your container. 

    • Directional

    • Point

    • Spot 

    • Area

  • Color: Selects the color the light source emits. 

  • Intensity: Determines the strength of the light source.

  • Diffuse Intensity: Determines how much light diffuse areas emit.

  • Specular Intensity: Determines how much specular areas of the source are affected. This is also important for Blooming Effects.

  • Radius: Defines the active area of a Point or Spotlight.

  • Outer and Inner Cone Angle: Defines the angle of a spot light’s beam (available to spot lights only).

  • Layer: Defines the layer, this light is active. See Light Layer plug-in.

Shadow Settings

  • Shadow On/Off: Generates shadows from the lights when set to On (this setting is not available on Area Lights).

  • Offset Factor: Defines the polygon offset factor for shadow rendering.

  • Offset Units: Defines the polygon offset units for shadow rendering.

  • Split Lambda: The value to blend between log and uniform cascade splitting.

  • Pure Shadow Light: If enabled, the light source becomes a pure shadow light source that only casts shadows but does not illuminates (implying shadow light mask = 0%). 

  • Shadow Light Mask: Determines how much light from other sources illuminates the shadow area. The light still illuminates other area as normal. The shadow can still be illuminated by other lights if the shadow itself is transparent (Castor's Alpha < 100%).

Global Illumination Properties

  • Radiosity Multiplier: Defines a scale factor for the radiosity contribution of the real-time light source.

  • Bake: Defines if your light is used as a real-time light or as a baked Global Illumination light.

  • Baked Radiosity Multiplier: Defines a scale factor for the radiosity contribution of the baked light source.

  • Baked Directional Spread: Produces basic soft shadows for baked lights when given positive values (for Directional lights only).